Magnus_Rex and MXH, you are both very good looking guys. I think what's happening is that you're both boyish for your ages, so *peers* are not finding you sexually attractive (or fewer than you would expect, given your good looks). That does not mean you are sexually unattractive, but it may be only lots of very young girls who find you so (look at those teen idol magazines, they're primarily bought by 13-14 year old girls, and contain nonthreatening boyish men who look younger than their chronological age).
It sucks, to be sure, but it doesn't mean you're sexually unattractive. And Magnus_Rex, I don't know where you got the idea that older/married women won't find you sexually attractive just because you're younger. Just 'cause they're older/married doesn't mean they don't still look. In fact, you may represent an unattainable nostalgic ideal to them, albeit not in a way they would ever act upon. Does that make sense?
Also, another poster said it: usually people safe/off the market are the most comfortable in making complimentary comments on others' situations. Then it's "helpful" and not "predatory" or "awkward".
ETA: Also, it depends greatly on individual taste. I *love* dark Caucasian guys, so you two are my bread and butter. But the other day, a Scandinavian man on this forum posted a picture of himself with his sister and I thought, "Wow, they are simply beautiful. Lovely, in an ethereal way." But I didn't think sexual thoughts because he's blond and fair. They looked like the elves of LOTR, more than anything, to me. Beautiful, but not in a tangible way.
well the results end up being the same as if I was ugly. like having a car and no fuel. Its pretty much unnecesary. But its funny you point that out since i have had on one occasion young girls hit on me