caramel wrote:
Deus_ex_machina wrote:
There are two important things you need to know, one he probably doesn't know why you're looking at him, and two he probably hasn't had many Girlfriends, if any, but you did say you'd looked at some of the Articles so you probably already know this right? Other than that I'm not sure, I'm just going on my own experiences.
Hmmm.... you're probably right! I try to smile when I look so I don't look crazy or like i'm staring at him as if theres something wrong with him.... I'm thinking he probably hasn't had many girlfriends though, honestly, i'm in my early 20's and have only had one boyfriend... thats probably not helping the situation because I wasn't even sure how to approach him before I even found out he had Aspergers! Those articles on this site (that and staying up all night for the past two nights on the computer reading everything I possibly could) really help!
I'm happy they are on this site!
In your experience, do you think maybe if I took the straightforward approach and asked him out that it would be better (more effective) than trying to flirt with him and talk to him, in hopes, that he asks me out? By the way Deus, thank you very much for your reply! I certainly appreciate it!
It depends on the person, I haven't ever been asked out on a date and have never had a Girlfriend, but I do have alot of female friends and I think I would be more comfortable going out with them, but I think you should try asking him out.
You shouldn't lose sleep on it though.
"They do, but what do you think is on the radio? Meat sounds. You know how when you slap or flap meat, it makes a noise? They talk by flapping their meat at each other. They can even sing by squirting air through their meat." - Terry Bisson