How can I get women to notice me?

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Pileated woodpecker
Pileated woodpecker

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20 Dec 2012, 8:54 am

I'm 20. Women say that they like nice and smart guys, yet I'm nice and smart and I've never kissed. I don't come on too strong and I don't pretend to be nice.

I can't find anyone with common interests. My only interest anyway is surfing the internet because it's more logical than the real world. This is the only interest I've had my whole life. You could tell me to take up a "nerdy" interest, but even nerds (and a lot of people on this forum) call me weird.


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20 Dec 2012, 9:30 am

Fancy car.


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20 Dec 2012, 10:06 am

Find clothing items that:
A) Stand out from what most people are wearing
B) Doesnt look too outdated and could be worn by most people if they spent some time shopping around instead of going to mainstream stores

Get several items that fit this categories go change them each day(wearing something twice takes out the standing out part and makes you blend in).

I had two perfect examples of this the other day(as Im not looking for a partner I can afford to wear twice the same jumper)

1 I was with my friend a at a group meeting. As soon as the group leader saw me she noticed my jumper and made a comment on it, we talked for a few minutes about where it was from... My friend was wearing clothes that looked standard, nobody made an attempt to acknowledge his clothes at any point

2 I was with another friend at a discussion group. Theres a male friend a few years older and a girl that just came in and is between both of us. As it happened my friend was also wearing clothing that could have been bought by his mum(standard colours/patterns...)
Just as we sat there to talk new girl made a comment on this jumper, nobody commented on my friends clothing.

N.B: noticeable clothing doesnt mean expensive, the shirt I brought up is a year old and looks extremely damaged(the pockets are coming out for example)


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20 Dec 2012, 10:48 am

atdevel wrote:
I'm 20. Women say that they like nice and smart guys, yet I'm nice and smart and I've never kissed. I don't come on too strong and I don't pretend to be nice.

I can't find anyone with common interests. My only interest anyway is surfing the internet because it's more logical than the real world. This is the only interest I've had my whole life. You could tell me to take up a "nerdy" interest, but even nerds (and a lot of people on this forum) call me weird.

How can I get women to notice me?
  • Artistic talent (acting, music, or painting seem to work best)
  • Conspicuous consumption (fancy car, fancy clothes, fancy house, et cetera)
  • Political clout (run for office or buy a politician)
Remember that it's one thing to get someone to notice you, but quite another to keep his or her interest.


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20 Dec 2012, 11:21 am

As a woman, I can tell you with certainty that it has nothing to do with "fancy cars" or "fancy clothes." This is a myth propagated by clueless guys. The truth is, you might attract women, but they'll be interested in your money more than you and they won't be very smart or interesting to talk to. Women who are attracted to men with fancy material possessions are extremely shallow; they will only abandon you as soon as they find someone with more money. From a female perspective, I can tell you what I look for.

1.) Clean clothes and clean appearance (notice how I didn't say "fancy")
2.) Confidence
3.) Respect (meaning no misogynistic BS)
4.) He must also respect himself. That means exercising, eating healthy, and not spending hours wasting his life away with video games.

Basically it's all about character. You want to show that you have self-discipline and self-respect. I'd rather have a boyfriend who cares about his health and well-being than one who only cares about wasting money on "fancy" stuff.

Here's to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently.

Sea Gull
Sea Gull

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20 Dec 2012, 11:59 am

Be friendly
Be helpful
Try to be positive
Don't appear too desperate
Don't talk to much about yourself.

Good luck :)

Last edited by Vintagegirl on 22 Dec 2012, 11:43 am, edited 2 times in total.


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20 Dec 2012, 1:18 pm

Apart from making sure you are clean, honest and polite, the only choice I think you have is to continue being yourself, and hope that someone suitable comes along, because if you try to become someone else in order to attract a partner, they won't even be interested in YOU, they'll be interested in the person you are pretending to be, and that could never last.


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20 Dec 2012, 1:28 pm

I'd warn you against picking up now hobbies or clothes or items specifically for the purpose of making girls notice you more. You'll become quickly frustrated if it doesn't work quickly enough, or you'll meet girls you aren't suited for because you're doing something you don't normally do or like.

In fact, what you REALLY seem to be asking is "Am I interesting to people?" And unfortunately, from what you've told us, the answer seems to be no. People always say to always be yourself, but that doesn't mean you can't change yourself for the better. But any change you do make should be for YOUR benefit, not some girl who may or may not appreciate it. Become who you want to be, and like who you are. The girls will come when you do.

Everything would be better if you were in charge.

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20 Dec 2012, 1:45 pm

Try and get a Sheep and Horse to mate. That kinda s**t is always noticed.

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20 Dec 2012, 2:58 pm

Women like men who are secure with themselves... or who (at least) know that they have worth and a place in the world, whether anyone else acknowledges that or not.

Think to yourself "I can handle this.. I can handle anything." then go at it! When you start to believe that about yourself, you naturally become genuinely more confident and more women will be interested in you almost instantly.

No amount of money, clothes or hair products can buy you this inner strength.. :wink:


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20 Dec 2012, 4:06 pm

sacrip wrote:
I'd warn you against picking up now hobbies or clothes or items specifically for the purpose of making girls notice you more. You'll become quickly frustrated if it doesn't work quickly enough, or you'll meet girls you aren't suited for because you're doing something you don't normally do or like.

In fact, what you REALLY seem to be asking is "Am I interesting to people?" And unfortunately, from what you've told us, the answer seems to be no. People always say to always be yourself, but that doesn't mean you can't change yourself for the better. But any change you do make should be for YOUR benefit, not some girl who may or may not appreciate it. Become who you want to be, and like who you are. The girls will come when you do.

I'm going to have to agree with sacrip here, unfortunately common interests and shared values are what draws people together. Surfing the internet isn't a very exciting hobby by itself, but what sort of things do you read about online? If there's been anything that's piqued your interest perhaps now is a good time to investigate it further.


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20 Dec 2012, 4:15 pm

Just whip it out in front of them, and they'll all notice.


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20 Dec 2012, 4:41 pm



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20 Dec 2012, 6:20 pm

1000Knives wrote:

He looks ridiculous but that's the point. Looking intentionally ridiculous broadcasts extreme confidence. The tricky part is making sure that it looks intentional. If it looks accidentally ridiculous, the man looks clueless rather than confident.


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20 Dec 2012, 6:24 pm

I've seen very few women who say they want nice and smart guys. I see women who say that they want a decent person with confidence with some drive in life.

The ones who say they want "nice and smart guys" then date losers usually have a victim complex. They're in the minority.


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20 Dec 2012, 6:27 pm

What I like in guys:
1.)Must have good hygiene(No bad breath, no bad odor, smells nice perhaps some cologne)
2.) Friendly and smiles and looks at my eyes(Makes me so shy, but it works)
3.)A gentleman(not through money but through actions, opening doors etc. )