rabbittss wrote:
If you're still on about this, you need to come to the conclusion that he's not really what you want. He made some stupid and off the cuff remarks to one of his buddies, perhaps it is a sign he doesn't appreciate you, but whining about it on the internet isn't going to help. Either accept that your boyfriend is a member of the species Homo Douchebagus, dump him and move on.. or get over it and simply expect more of the same.
I never once said such a thing about my girlfriend-ney-fiance-ney-ex, my friends never even had any idea that me and her were having sex, let alone any of the details of her anatomy. But you have to admit, this is hardly exclusive to "Guys" either.. I've been around plenty of women who talk about the size of their boyfriends penis behind his back, or his abilities to go down on a girl, behind his back. This is simply human passive aggressiveness and a way to vent it.
I'm not upset about it anymore, just trying to figure out what is or isn't normal.
"More people have been slaughtered in the name of religion than for any other single reason. That, my friends, that is true perversion." - Harvey Milk