I'm a gay guy, so I guess I could contribute something of value to this thread.. but I only feel compelled to post and say that it seems pretty obvious to me that personal hygiene/body odour issues should just be sort of a given. It's a bit surprising that there would be guys out there who just don't get that & have to be told to bathe and maintain themselves.
Mind you, I have read that some ASD types literally don't get this and have to be instructed on it. I guess since I do, it's hard to comprehend someone not getting it.
Heck, it's why in terms of organizational behaviour that things that are just a "given," in the workplace are referred to as "hygiene factors." Ie heat, lights, electricity etc in the work place aren't motivators for people to do their jobs better, they're "hygiene factors," that are simply bare minimums that are expected to be in place.. like personal hygiene.
This is a good thread, though, as I think of the criteria I have in others it reminds me of things I can improve in myself that may be unattractive to others, or even deal breakers. Bit by bit, slowly but surely.
for supporting trump. Because doing so is deplorable.