I think we have a lot of struggles, that highlight how different we are from NT's, and that can at times make us feel less integrated, and consequently the odd ones out. It shouldn't. But it does.
The way I see it, is that because we *do* have so many struggles, when the good things happen, they fill us with a relish that is that much more intense and special.
Like Fnord said, we can work at being better. At feeling better. I have been waiting for therapy for almost 3 years now, and in the meantime have had to work with what tools I have over the internet, keep a full time job, and a load of other stuff too depressing to even mention.
Like the saying goes..."Stop being afraid of what could go wrong, and start being positive about what could go right".
All we can do, is try. I'm trying. Every day we get another change to go at it again.