hurtloam wrote:
The_Face_of_Boo wrote:
When a man is very rich he's always "so nice" ie. Christisn Grey.
It's just so awful that sort of thing is celebrated in pop culture. Naive women can get easily sucked in by that. I have friends and family who had horrible relationship with abusive men and women because they seemed so charming at first.
The problem is you begin to be suspicious of those with good intentions and it's stressful and you don't know who to trust.
I wonder if that's what the op was getting at
I wanted to get opinions from others on the topic. There's three men that bought me expensive things. One of these bought me a lot, like I look at a blanket, me, "that's cool", him, "do you want that?", me being literal in truth, " yeah, guess", him, "Here you go", me

. These 3 from what I remember did get to know me for a while at least for three meetings or more. There is one other man I forgot to mention. He did his best to buy me expensive things on our first date, to me at least, jewlery, shirts. I let him buy me one thing cause he literally begged me. I hardly knew him other than once and on the phone a few times. After that date, where he tried to kiss me twice, and later on the phone asked me to come to his house alone. Yeah...I told him that I don't just want to go alone and have sex, literally. And he was like, come on, honey. I didn't see him again. This is the only example that fit the extreme. I guess if I was looking for a one night stand or "friend" with "benefits" that would have been the guy. I just didn't trust him.