@The_Face_of_Boo she probably wants to have sex with you. Not that she's ready to actually do it, but she wants to. As you have met up in person, I have to assume she knows what she wants. It's not abnormal for a woman to want to have sex with a man she's just met, whether or not she would actually do it - the point is that she wants to. Some women may reply that they've never felt that way, but I can guarantee from personal experience that many do. Also keep in mind that, if she has a kid, then at some point in her life she had regular sex with somebody. If she's in her late 20s - early 30s, she may be having a difficult time with celibacy - even though that's what society expects from her. The difference between men and women in this regard is, women are more likely to pine for sex having already experienced it, whereas men want it whether or not they've ever had it. BTW this is my understanding based on experience - I can't cite any authority, but I could recount some experiences that I feel strongly support this hypothesis.
I think her awkward message is an attempt to communicate that to you without having to say it explicitly. And it's quite possible she's embarrassed now that she did that. If you are at all interested in her, I would make another date with her and then just act as you normally would on a second date.
Also, if you are at all attractive as a man, it would seem reasonable to assume that you will sometimes meet women who would enjoy having sex with you if they could. Most of them can't or won't, but they'd like to. I hope you don't look down on them for that. Wanting sex doesn't make anyone less of a person - if society could just accept that, it would make life better for everyone.