malavois wrote:
I have found that no physical feature is a dealbreaker if a person is comfortable in themselves and isn’t obsessed with their flaws. Like an overweight person who can’t stop thinking and obsessing about their weight, who puts themselves and their appearance down all the time, is really unpleasant to be around, and it has nothing to do with their weight, just their attitude.
Honestly, ages 31-40 are pretty difficult to tell. If you really care so much about how old you look, that will probably come across in some ways that are obvious to other people. I’m not saying that it necessarily will turn them off if you are sensitive about your appearance, but I can tell you from experience, it gets exhausting to hear someone judge and put themselves down all the time.
On the other hand, if you accept how you look and you put more energy into being yourself, the way you look will be irrelevant. Sure, a pretty face is a great thing to look at and initial attractiveness is on the outside, but (a) conventional attractiveness is a myth, (b) what people find attractive is extremely subjective, and (c) NOTHING is more attractive than a good personality.
In other words, try not to worry about it and be yourself. As Diana Ross said, love don’t come easy.
I wouldn't stress it if you look 40. Now if you looked twenty or thirty years older, people might think you were sick or something. That's too big of Diference. but ten years difference as an adult isn't a big deal, in my opinion. There's tons of people out there who don't look their age one way or another.