Fnord wrote:
Although I would suggest that the OP makes sure that she is attractive to the kind of man she wants to marry, after she decides what kind of man he should be.
I wrote the list in about one minute flat.
I could have added more but didn't want to drone.
Of course all those things might not happen.
I just
really like to brainstorm.
If you don't feel a rush when they step in the room, the attraction likely won't last.
I still get butterflies from my dude EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.
Even if I'm upset or we're having a bad day, I remember why I'm drawn to him.
Fnord wrote:
Just remember, as Rita Rudner once said, "When I meet a guy, the first question I ask myself is: 'Is this the man I want my children to spend every-other weekend with?'"
or the person you want your kids to inherit half of their gene pool from?
do you want their parents to be your kids' grandparents?
do you want them to be your grandchildren's grandparent?
family trees last forever
I never give you my number, I only give you my situation.