sarahstilettos wrote:
I would disagree that finding friends is more difficult that finding a lover.
Do you have AS? Even if you do, females with AS generally find things considerably easier than males as far as relationships go. Neither getting sex nor making friends is easy. And I said "getting sex"; "lover" implies something more longterm. Anyway, both can be almost impossible for some with AS. But, in my experience sex is relatively easier, but not easy. Sex is ephemeral, friendship something of length. Sex requires maintaining the illusion of normality only long enough to get her into bed. Moreover, you can pay for sex. Nothing wrong with that.
Perhaps that difference in opinion stems from our definitions of friendship. On the other hand, perhaps not.
sarahstilettos wrote:
Once you do have them, they have a wonderful habit of introducing you to people, who are sometimes vastly irritating and/or ugly, but are sometimes hot and of the opposite, (or same if thats your thing) sex to you. If they are a good friend they will big you up to that person too.
I get the impression you really haven't got a clue how difficult some of us find making friends. It just doesn't happen unless they are people you meet somewhere like this. Do you understand that? If not, please try. Have you met many adult males with AS? When people spend any length of time with us they know there's something wrong.