Daewoodrow wrote:
pretending to be something you're not actually can work, if you're any good at it. The problem is, it wont create a long lasting and stable relationship.
The difference between an attractive man and an unattractive man is rarely just looks. I get overlooked for less attractive men all the time, and more importantly, equally attractive men. The difference between us was that they knew how to act in the company of others to make women want them.
And this isn't just self-help advice. I've tested it. It wasn't difficult, given my photographic memory and mimicry talent, to spend a week or two observing the behavior of "attractive" men, and then duplicate it and refine it in the presence of others. It was a resounding success. By acting like those people I loathe, women are finally paying attention to me. As a result of this revelation, I have decided I do not wish to date anymore. I'll be staying single for as long as it takes for me to naturally meet a woman who is actually compatible with me. I'd rather die single than participate in this farce.
Ditto. I am going to keep being the model citizen I am on here and in real life. That's the only way it should be.
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