I'm single, and i've had 1 girlfriend. And that girlfriend was a desperate nymphomaniac. A nice person, but very very horny. And i'm not just judging her because i'm not with her anymore. I got a lot of evidence. So suffice it to say i got her on no real act of my own, i was just lucky. So my advice is only as valuable as that.
But here goes.
First thing is be attractive. It is an unfortunate truth of reality that people judge books by their covers. And even if you would perefer the kind of person reading that book to care more about the content of the story than the cover, generally few people have the ability to see some peculiar style to the otherwise bland cover which implies the true depth of the content.
You dont need to be beautiful according to our culture. You can't turn your face into something it is not, but almost without exception you can arrange your body to be some level of attractive with the features you are equipped with. The message you are really trying to transmit is that you care about how you look.
The way you do this is by slaving away at being healthy and in shape, and worrying over things like dressing and s**t like that. The whole excersize is a huge pain in the ass. And the further you are away from beauty in whatever culture you live in you naturally are the harder you are going to have to work.
You could be lucky and find somebody who doesnt mind someone unhealthy, but you are far more likely to find the perfect person you want if you go that extra mile.... that extra 5...6...17 miles.
And as always, these are simply my worthless opinions.
My body is a channel that translates energy from the universe into happiness.
I either express information, or consume it. I am debating which to do right now.