Am trying to remind myself that the word is "some", rather than "all" or "none".
As in, I keep feeling extreme-that "everyone" dislikes me & that "no one" will ever be interested in, attracted to, me.
Or that I'll never find someone to whom I'm attracted or have interest in.
Yet, logically, it seems more likely that "some" people will like me & I will like "some" people.
It's incredibly difficult for me to retain/maintain these moderate (rather than all-or-nothing) thought patterns.
As I put it in post on other forum:
Belfast wrote:
Basic & obvious as these concepts sound/seem, I'm struggling to keep in mind:
"some" is not the same as "all", nor "none'
"some" counts, even though it's neither "all" nor "none".
As in: there are some people who do (or would) like me-and I do (or would) like some people.
Fact that all people don't like me doesn't mean there's nobody who likes me.
Fact that I don't like all people doesn't mean I don't like anybody.
Black & white, all-or-nothing thinking, is significant obstacle I frequently stumble over.
Then there's problem of getting "whoever I am" together with "whomever I might be mutually compatible with". My anxieties interfere with meeting new people, then I fall back into my insecurities about self, even though the few people who know me (and like me a lot) tell me that there really are others out there who would like me, if only there were opportunity for us to become acquainted.
Back to my longer post on this from other forum:
Belfast wrote:
On some level I know better-still get hung up on (snagged by) unproductive thoughts, caught in circle/cycle of at least three rotating bases of rumination (obsessive, depressing fixations).
It's triple-headed hydra, in that as soon as one section/aspect is handled, addressed, dealt with (which is only temporary reprieve)-another one comes up & attacks me, and pretty soon the next one. Then the original one roars back to life & I'm in full-fledged panic, besieged on all fronts at once.
The 3 interacting (and revolving/switching, in turn) variables are:
1. Self.
2. Other person.
3. Connecting 1 & 2.
1. Feeling poorly about own physical exterior depiction & mental interior reflection, how others perceive me & whether or to what degree they "like" me. Fear of rejection.
2. Feeling dubious about being interested in & attracted to another person (mind & body-not just one or the other), worried there's no one out there that I would genuinely "like". Fear of rejecting.
3. Feeling hopeless as to possible methods to get self and "some unknown person" to cross paths, be in same place at same time-let alone, communicate & get to know each other (recognize each other as people who might mutually enjoy interfacing).
Apologize for how long this comment is, but needed to 'get it all out' in one place.
Can't answer definitively if there is "someone for everyone"-can only try not to lose hope, and consider it to be possible (which of course doesn't relieve/comfort, while one is "uncoupled").
*"I don't know what it is, but I know what it isn't."*