I checked "14 - 16" but it was tough to choose.
I went on a few dates that young. On those dates if the girl got close, I'd "freeze up", not because I didn't want to get close, but because I didn't know how to get close. There was two girls I especially liked, and they really liked me, but after the "freeze ups" they backed off (naturally), and just stayed friends.
Then after I moved out at around age 24 I went out trying to date. I met a really nice woman and we hit it off. Unfortunately because of my non-conventional "style", (whatever I liked), I made the wrong impression to her. At the time we met I was in a club (a friend of mine was playing in the band), wearing a Harley Davidson T-Shirt with hair halfway down my back. She naturally assumed I was this "Harley Biker Guy". I did hang out with Harley guys, along with anyone else I could talk with, at a local motorcycle meet, but I rode there on my little Honda 2-stroke.
We went on a date in NYC and had a great time. She was very intelligent, very interesting, and very beautiful. Then she suggested she come home with me that night.
Fear set in. I really, REALLY liked her and didn't want to "scare her off" by freezing up.
That was one of the most uncomfortable nights of my entire life.
When she saw my apartment, littered with computer equipment and video games, she said something like, "what's all this?" I explained that I was a computer programmer. A computer programmer didn't fit with her image of "Harley Guy" I guess.
So we put on a movie, and sat on the couch. I couldn't concentrate on anything but "not freezing up". She seemed to want to be kissed. I awkwardly tried to kiss her and made a klutz of myself.
At that point I said, "you MUST tell her what's going on!" "Honesty is the best policy" right? So I told her that I'd never slept with anyone before and hadn't dated in years and that I was very nervous. She was shocked. "You're 24 and you haven't slept with anyone!? What's WRONG with you?" or words to that effect.
And to further my confusion, when we went to bed, she wanted me to sleep beside her? I should have slept on the couch, but instead I lie awake all night beside her mentally kicking myself for my stupidity. We didn't even kiss again after my first attempt.
The next day I drove her to the train station and that was the last I saw of her.
I really wish I could talk to her now and tell her I'm sorry.
Luckily the next date I went on was with my now wife. Again I froze. Again I was honest with her. But she, although suprised, was understanding. We've had a rocky marriage, but we're still together, we still love each other, and we have a fantastic child.
(whew! Talk about spilling your guts, I just meant to vote in the poll!