Why are some females so nasty?
I am curious to why some (quite a few, actually) females seem so nasty. I suppose people call it bitchy. And I mean in a general sense, as well. Not just when it comes to dating an that. It always seems to me like, if you get into a general disagreement with another guy, it feels like the verbal equivialent of getting punched in the chest. If you get into a disagreement with a women or something, then they're not content with just the usual. They get the knives out, like they're intent on not just harming you, but gauging your eyes out.
I seem to remember getting a lot more crap from girls at school than the boys. I didn't even talk to the girls at school or go near them, yet some of them really had it in for me. If you seemed wierd to other people, then they sure as hell were going to make an issue out of it.
It's also troublesome, in the fact that all the guys try and come along to 'rescue' the women or whatever and back them up, if you get into a disagreement. I had some woman trying to rip me apart the otherday, for something that didn't even concern her. I called her a cam whore, which was an accurate assessment of her, and everything went nuclear.
I know of some women who aren't like that, but I am unsure of whether that's simply because I only speak to them on a professional level. For all I know, they might be exactly the same as these others if I were to encounter them elsewhere. Being at war with an entire gender doesn't feel a good position to be in. Especially when you consider the odds. I would need to have access to the entire nuclear arsenal of the USA to stand a chance.
It's actually harder than I thought it would be to live in complete seclusion from the rest of the world. The list of people types I need to avoid grows longer all the time.
I've tried my best to make this seem not completely sexist to some people.
I definitely notice this in the dating world - as far as I can tell it's an American thing. Most American women are spoiled, narcisissitc b*****s who won't even look at a guy unless he has 6-pack abs, a high-paying job, great looks or perfect social skills. I'm guessing it has a lot to do with how they're raised - ie the "princess syndrome."
I have a nasty streak a mile wide and three miles long, and I don't like it. Thing is, I'm aware of it, and I have been since I can remember. It's difficult to fight at points, especially during certain times of the month, but I still recognize it.
With that insight, and all the women I've known, I'd say it's in-built and innate. Women have their own tier of hierarchy, for the most part, and they way it's handled is different than the way it is for men. We're 'underhanded,' I guess you could say, as opposed to the more visual, brutish displays in which men are more likely to partake. Quite simply, I'm sure it reflects biology, and the fact women have to be more careful in general, have less physical impact, yet remain as near the top as they can for resources. That's just the first thing that comes to mind.
Then, of course, there's the whole issue of having to be pickier about mates and the like. Now, I've not really witnessed what you described, but it would seem that women who want higher positions would pick on what they perceive to be the weakest males, of course all the while backed by their jocks or other higher ranking men. It's a way to diffuse their own hierarchical insecurities.
I have a hard time intuitively grasping hierarchies, and so I have noticed that, although I have the drive to be aggressive and underhandedly nasty, it comes out differently than it does for other women. I tend also to be more honest. But I remember going through this stuff at school, and it did occasionally seep in intuitively as well, probably thanks to otherwise intact social intuition. I learned quickly what it was all about just to keep my head above water.
All that aside, though, if you're outright insulting women, you're going to get it right back in your face. Whether or not the woman you called a 'camwhore' is or not, the word is still insulting and you're going to get a barrage of insults and defensiveness back at you. Can you really blame her? I would handle it differently myself, in a much more subtle manner, but when I get that from guys there's no doubt I have a negative reaction. You should probably try to understand this part of it, because you may be invoking the nastier side of women regardless due to your lack of understanding and resultant faux pas.
Well there are some americans (even some good-looking ones) that don't suffer from this, but anyone who was raised in a family that makes more than $200,000/year combined income and has something worth more than $300 that they did not pay for has a greatly increased probability thereof...
Not to change the subject, but it's sort of on topic, anyway. Toad, first off, nice signature. Second, you've had that Eve icon for a while, which is funny because everyone who sees that movie and knows me says she's me. I have to agree. It fits with the topic because she's a rather moody, cold and calculating b***h at first, then remains moody, but has a heart of gold.
Some women are like this, hardened by life and how their personalities let them experience the world. Either way, women are a handful, and I'll be the first to admit it, and I really don't think it's a cultural thing at all.
If it was your goal in life to be taken as you are, then you'll have to avoid a lot more people than that. People all over have to accept change into their lives and adapt to real life. The rest of the world isn't going to adapt to you, I've been in your shoes.
If it was your goal in life to be taken as you are, then you'll have to avoid a lot more people than that. People all over have to accept change into their lives and adapt to real life. The rest of the world isn't going to adapt to you, I've been in your shoes.
Yeah, people make that plenty obvious. People don't seem to appreciate any changes I've made in the past. In fact, they probably got more annoyed with me. These days I refuse to change anything unless I personally think it is going to make my life better in someway, whether directly or indirectly. Becoming more sociable\outgoing or whatever would probably destroy me and I'd end up blowing my brains out with a gun.
I've tried changing things to have more social success, but it doesn't work and I end up unhappier. I just try to make it so people can't walk over me all the time, but that seems to end up starting entire wars...
Damned if I do, damned if I don't. Guess it's just trying to make the best of things, which seems to be by avoiding other humans.
Honestly, though, HAL, the way you talk makes me wonder how you present yourself to people in the first place. Now, I don't think you're trying to do anything wrong at all, but before you go blaming the women (even if I don't agree with their behaviour), it's best to get as accurate and clear a picture as you can of yourself, and then the other side of the issue -- in this case, women.
You could avoid them, or you could learn. If you have any women friends or colleagues with which you have good rapport, maybe ask them some frank questions about the way you come across, and tell them the problem you have. I do know there are women and other people out there who would understand your predicament, and I can't see it going wrong if you ask with complete honesty. I know I, for one, would certainly be willing to help you out there, if I were there.
You could avoid them, or you could learn. If you have any women friends or colleagues with which you have good rapport, maybe ask them some frank questions about the way you come across, and tell them the problem you have. I do know there are women and other people out there who would understand your predicament, and I can't see it going wrong if you ask with complete honesty. I know I, for one, would certainly be willing to help you out there, if I were there.
I don't have any friends I could ask. People would probably say I am a non entity. I just exist in the background. If things go well, people don't even realise I am there. If I try and come out of the background, people usually just ignore me. It might mean something, but if it does, it's too subtle for me to understand. Most problems usually go nuclear when I try and stand my ground. People get really pissed off. If I let them walk over me then they just do as they please when they want and I feel depressed.
I don't understand what's so wrong about calling the woman a cam whore, if she's insulting me, my upbringing and my right to exist when I was dealing with something that didn't even concern her.
Women have always either treated me like crap or seen me as "just a friend." Though there was one time at work a married woman wanted me - she was quite good looking but I'm not going there. When I wouldn't do it she hit me so hard I had a bruise on my arm for like 3 weeks. She quit the job like a month later.
Well, that's hitting on one problem, then; you're dealing with monkey social structure, here, and if you're in the background, you're a zeta. That means if you come out and stand your ground on anything, it's as if you're challenging that known status. Now, I'm not saying that's definitely what's going on with you, but I've seen this myself, with myself. People don't like it. What I've learned is that I'd much rather be more in the middle or foreground and myself than in the background being walked on. Submissive lifestyles are generally only desired when someone has been conditioned to like them.
As for calling her a cam whore, it only fights fire with fire. She may have been in the wrong, but the best thing to do is to keep your cool and not fight back, as far as I've ever learned. That tends to be ten times more effective in a lot of cases.