kraftiekortie wrote:
I hate to break it to you: but Catholics ARE Christians.
We have monasteries in the US. Convents, too.
And Sly does have his license; he doesn't have a car, though.
They aren’t the same though
Most Catholics won’t date Christians and vise Versa. Both think the others are sinners.
I don’t go to any church so even though I’m Christian most churche going Christians wouldn’t date me as I’m a sinner and too different.
So why they might all be catorgized as Christians by non Christians due to broth believing in Christ they are far from the same.
Might as well be Muslims and Jews who both beleive in same god and don’t beleive in Christ.
Even Christians have different sub groups who don’t like each other.
I didn’t say we didn’t I said we don’t have a lot and never did. It’s not as common as euopre
There’s some buddist ones in my state I think.
What difference does it make I can’t drive without a car

I can’t afford $500 a month for a car and insurance