So how do I get a boyfriend?

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29 Sep 2010, 3:13 pm

Erisad wrote:
nick007 wrote:
Erisad~ I think your judgmental attitude if the rezone why you cant find a guy. If a guy was making judgmental post like this about women I'd bet lots of people would tell himto change his attitude

I don't behave offline the same way I do online. I vent here because I really don't have anyone to talk to about this kind of stuff. Am I wrong though? Everyone cares about looks, even if they say they don't. :/

I believe that you are wrong because I don't care about looks but you'd probably assume I'm lying

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29 Sep 2010, 3:17 pm

Erisad wrote:
The people who usually don't care about looks are usually either too old or the "easy" guy who will sleep with anything with breasts. Dating a guy that's a few years older is okay but not so old that he could be mistaken for my father. That's just gross. If a guy says he doesn't care about how a girl looks, he's lying or trying to be nice so she'll go home with him. It's usually, "I don't care how she looks BUT she can't be this, this or that" they end up completely contradicting themselves. :/

I know there is more to life than looks but it's frustrating being reminded that you're not good enough every day. :(

Actually, most healthy young women are attractive enough for average men. Even if you don't look like a super model, which most women don't, you can still be considered attractive or even cute.


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29 Sep 2010, 5:07 pm

Erisad wrote:
I just love how so many of the posts in this thread have alluded to the fact that if you're fat and/or ugly, you may as well give up because no one wants you. Sadly, it's held true for me so far. :cry:

hyper is right erisad.
im not illuding to the fact that if you are either you are ugly. just keep clean and healthy as possible, and personality is just as important, im sure as intresting as you are, guys will love to be around you


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29 Sep 2010, 5:09 pm

Erisad wrote:
hyperlexian wrote:
naw, you don't need to wait years and years, but a few years or even a decade or two is not too bad... you can have kids at 40 you know!

please keep on going for it and try to love yourself... loving yourself is sexy and beautiful and honest.

AND keep in mind that you have already had more opportunities than lots of other men and women on the boards... remember that you did have some dates and a relationship before! many people cannot say the same thing. you have been fortunate, and are still very young.

(as an aside... older men may be the thing for you... sometimes they may be more openminded to a woman whose beauty spilleth over)

But if I have kids at 40, I'll be dead before they finish college or get married. Then I've orphaned my kids, good job me. I say "orphan" because bad marriages are almost a genetic trait in my family. My dad's working on marriage 4. So I'm pretty certain that he'll divorce me and chase some young thing. It's the popular thing to do these days: trick a girl into marrying you or just sleeping with her and leaving as soon as she's pregnant. If I said I loved myself, I'd be lying. I never have and I don't think I ever will. :/

...I'm pissed at an older(ish) guy right now. I have a post about it in the Haven right now. Apparently older guys can be just as fickle as guys my age. I feel so hopeless. :cry:

not true. my parents had me at 30 something. one has passed, and the other...well...the other is insane. but i loved them. a lot. they gave me everything, which is worth more that being there any longer. i wish they could be, but you know how it is i guess....


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29 Sep 2010, 5:50 pm

nick007 wrote:
I believe that you are wrong because I don't care about looks but you'd probably assume I'm lying

Yup. :D

Jono wrote:
Actually, most healthy young women are attractive enough for average men. Even if you don't look like a super model, which most women don't, you can still be considered attractive or even cute.

But what if you do eat healthy but you don't look like it? No one would know that I prefer Eggplant Parmesan to pizza by looking at me. They assume that I don't do anything for my body and thus overlook me entirely. :/

bewarethebob wrote:
hyper is right erisad.
im not illuding to the fact that if you are either you are ugly. just keep clean and healthy as possible, and personality is just as important, im sure as intresting as you are, guys will love to be around you.

not true. my parents had me at 30 something. one has passed, and the other...well...the other is insane. but i loved them. a lot. they gave me everything, which is worth more that being there any longer. i wish they could be, but you know how it is i guess....

Uh huh. Then how come that I'm perpetually single even though I have so many guy friends? Oh right, all my female friends in the same group are better catches, so they go for them first. I'm left with the creepers that I don't want and even they don't find me worth their time. They only stalk the gorgeous girls and will only talk to me when they're drunk. Probably because they drank until I appeared skinny. :/

Yeah, my Dad only remembers that I exist because of Facebook. He only visits us to go to the Ren faire and around Christmas time. All the other days of the year he's hunting down Mrs. Right #4. Hell, why would he give a f**k about his kids when he gets a new set to take care of every 5 years or so? Especially since the ones he helped me have turned out to be failures in the job market and dating world. Mom will probably never get grandkids (she'll never let me forget it either) from either my brother or myself. He's uninterested and I'm unattractive. Sorry Mom, you should have had more attractive kids. :/

Last edited by Erisad on 29 Sep 2010, 6:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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29 Sep 2010, 6:18 pm

Erisad~ If you believe that all guys only want someone who looks good & none will ever want you because you are fat; Why aren't you completely giving up :?: I gave up on trying to find a relationship & I'm feeling much happier about things. It sounds like you are a very negative person who is looking for a relationship to fix your problems; the only one who can fix your negative attitude is you

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29 Sep 2010, 6:30 pm

nick007 wrote:
Erisad~ If you believe that all guys only want someone who looks good & none will ever want you because you are fat; Why aren't you completely giving up :?: I gave up on trying to find a relationship & I'm feeling much happier about things. It sounds like you are a very negative person who is looking for a relationship to fix your problems; the only one who can fix your negative attitude is you

That's why I'm trying to lose weight, so I'll be worthy of someone's attention. No one's ever truly accepted and loved me. Dad walked out, my mom and brother yell at me whenever I cry and see me as a "freak" that they have to deal with. My uncle who cares about me is moving out of state so I'll get to see him less than I already do. My friends will say, "no, that's not true. We love you!" and then when I need them most, they're gone. They're only around when they need my help. When I graduate, I'll probably never see any of them again since be living at home until I manage to keep a f*****g job, get my license and a car. I don't want to be alone for the rest of my life. I hate my family and they hate me. So I have to find someone or I will be alone. Great, now I'm bawling my eyes out, happy now? >.<


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29 Sep 2010, 7:06 pm

Oh and attractiveness and physical appearance are not the same thing. Attractiveness is by definition what attracts someone to you. Appearance is only one component of the many many different things that make up attractiveness.

From a pragmatic point of view it's very hard for you to tell how other people see all those aspects of yourself..because your you! Also without actually meeting you it's hard for us to do that, otherwise we could point out what is nice or not nice about you.
Online you come across a bit sad and sorry, if thats the same in real life, well unfortunately thats not an attractive quality.

Good for you for trying to lose weight, if you feel thats part of the problem.
I'm sorry your crying :(


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29 Sep 2010, 7:17 pm

nostromo wrote:
Oh and attractiveness and physical appearance are not the same thing. Attractiveness is by definition what attracts someone to you. Appearance is only one component of the many many different things that make up attractiveness.

From a pragmatic point of view it's very hard for you to tell how other people see all those aspects of yourself..because your you! Also without actually meeting you it's hard for us to do that, otherwise we could point out what is nice or not nice about you.
Online you come across a bit sad and sorry, if thats the same in real life, well unfortunately thats not an attractive quality.

Good for you for trying to lose weight, if you feel thats part of the problem.
I'm sorry your crying :(

They're not? I always heard people labeling those with a bad physical appearance as unattractive so I thought they were interchangable. :/

I force a happy front in real life. So whenever I get a moment by myself, that's when I break down and cry. If I feel bad when I'm in an environment when I have to be around people, I just get really quiet and hope nobody notices until the feeling passes. To be honest, I wonder why I have any friends at all. I'm not pretty, I say stupid stuff all the time, I take things literally, I'm a pain in the ass about punctuality, I never know when to shut up so I'm either really talkative or really quiet because I can't moderate when I've said too much, I make sounds that have to annoy people sometimes, since I force a happy front it looks like I lose my temper/start crying at the drop of a hat even though I have been holding it in for awhile, etc. >.<

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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29 Sep 2010, 8:44 pm

I have noticed that many of the people who describe themselves as lonely do not really want contact, they just want to complain and wallow in misery. If you truly want a boyfriend or just a friend, either PM me or contact me on AIM, my name is jozeffranczak

I do not care about your physical attributes.
I do not care how insecure you are, or how worthless you feel.
I do not care whether or not you are "damaged goods".

I just want to help you, and maybe find love in the process.

EDIT: if you are considering whether or not to IM me I suggest doing it before midnight tonight Eastern TIme, in 2 hours.


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29 Sep 2010, 9:04 pm

Baratos wrote:
I have noticed that many of the people who describe themselves as lonely do not really want contact, they just want to complain and wallow in misery. If you truly want a boyfriend or just a friend, either PM me or contact me on AIM, my name is jozeffranczak

I do not care about your physical attributes.
I do not care how insecure you are, or how worthless you feel.
I do not care whether or not you are "damaged goods".

I just want to help you, and maybe find love in the process.

I guess it's safe to assume this is directed at me. *sigh* I've had several guys on WP claim that they'll "fix me" and none of them have succeeded. One claimed he wanted to marry me after two chatting sessions, another said he wasn't like that but kept asking to come to my house, one stalked my facebook page for awhile and spamming my IM with the same conversation over and over again, and there's another that I've been chatting with for a week or so who already has a girlfriend but is good for talking to anyway. Either way, can you see why I'm cynical to all the "white knights" on here? It seems they have ulterior motives from what I've observed. It's not that I don't want contact, it's just that I'm rather peeved at my introduction to online dating. I put in all the effort and get nothing in return. :/

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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29 Sep 2010, 9:06 pm

Erisad wrote:
Baratos wrote:
I have noticed that many of the people who describe themselves as lonely do not really want contact, they just want to complain and wallow in misery. If you truly want a boyfriend or just a friend, either PM me or contact me on AIM, my name is jozeffranczak

I do not care about your physical attributes.
I do not care how insecure you are, or how worthless you feel.
I do not care whether or not you are "damaged goods".

I just want to help you, and maybe find love in the process.

I guess it's safe to assume this is directed at me. *sigh* I've had several guys on WP claim that they'll "fix me" and none of them have succeeded. One claimed he wanted to marry me after two chatting sessions, another said he wasn't like that but kept asking to come to my house, one stalked my facebook page for awhile and spamming my IM with the same conversation over and over again, and there's another that I've been chatting with for a week or so who already has a girlfriend but is good for talking to anyway. Either way, can you see why I'm cynical to all the "white knights" on here? It seems they have ulterior motives from what I've observed. It's not that I don't want contact, it's just that I'm rather peeved at my introduction to online dating. I put in all the effort and get nothing in return. :/

Its not directed at you, it was for any female who wanted to respond. And I never attempt to fix someone, because that is futile. I just want to connect with someone and maybe help them through whatever tough times they are having.


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29 Sep 2010, 9:14 pm

Baratos wrote:
Erisad wrote:
Baratos wrote:
I have noticed that many of the people who describe themselves as lonely do not really want contact, they just want to complain and wallow in misery. If you truly want a boyfriend or just a friend, either PM me or contact me on AIM, my name is jozeffranczak

I do not care about your physical attributes.
I do not care how insecure you are, or how worthless you feel.
I do not care whether or not you are "damaged goods".

I just want to help you, and maybe find love in the process.

I guess it's safe to assume this is directed at me. *sigh* I've had several guys on WP claim that they'll "fix me" and none of them have succeeded. One claimed he wanted to marry me after two chatting sessions, another said he wasn't like that but kept asking to come to my house, one stalked my facebook page for awhile and spamming my IM with the same conversation over and over again, and there's another that I've been chatting with for a week or so who already has a girlfriend but is good for talking to anyway. Either way, can you see why I'm cynical to all the "white knights" on here? It seems they have ulterior motives from what I've observed. It's not that I don't want contact, it's just that I'm rather peeved at my introduction to online dating. I put in all the effort and get nothing in return. :/

Its not directed at you, it was for any female who wanted to respond. And I never attempt to fix someone, because that is futile. I just want to connect with someone and maybe help them through whatever tough times they are having.

It wasn't? My mistake. God that makes me look so self-centered. Sorryyyyyyy. :oops:

That makes sense though. Even the psychiatrists/psychologists who attempt to fix people usually fail at it. There's no science to it, it's hit and miss. If someone can be fixed, usually it's done themselves without someone trying to cram pills down their throats.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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29 Sep 2010, 9:22 pm

So anyway, do you want to talk? I understand that you are reluctant to go back into internet dating, but this is really the only avenue open for me and it's better to be miserable together than alone.


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29 Sep 2010, 9:28 pm

Baratos wrote:
So anyway, do you want to talk? I understand that you are reluctant to go back into internet dating, but this is really the only avenue open for me and it's better to be miserable together than alone.

Sure. I'm on AIM now, my username is on my profile. :)


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29 Sep 2010, 9:47 pm

Well, if you want to get any guy like me (but why would you?), I suggest making the first move. We hate it and never actually work up the nerve to do it.

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