BrenJB wrote:
Also he said he would be afraid NICE girls would be turned off by his lack of experience...I assure you...NICE girls will appreciate your lack of experience!
Would NICE girls appreciate the lack of experience of a 50 year old? So perhaps what you say is true but up to a certain point., it gets less likely to be the case.
Anyway, I did a prostitute, for:
1) to get rid of the stigma of virginity at 30. I know many people (men AND women) put down virgins for being virgins, if they are beyond 25 of age, this has been my experience and my observation has been that most people think that way. WP seems the few exception I find but this is an autistic site after all, but it is not the case in the environment I live in. I don't care about that anymore though, but that wasn't the main reason to do a prostitute but rather the experience..
2) So more importantly, I wanted to know how it feels to be with a woman (at least once I thought at the time). I know now how it feels to have sex and cuddle with a woman, not in the idealistic way, but it is as far as I can get, and I don't regret it because of the experiences.
I'm lucky though that prostitution is legal where I am, and feel bad for the places which isn't. Pitty the poor virgins who can't legally have sex