Lintar wrote:
rabbittss wrote:
and with that attitude I vote you be placed into a hogshead and rolled down a steep incline with a high fractioned slope.
What 'attitude'? I don't see anything wrong with the point(s) I made regarding this issue. I was simply pointing out that the civilised world has moved on from doing things the way they were done 400 or so years ago. What's the problem?
I would hardly call most of the countries who use the Metric system, Civilized.
Certainly, regardless of your opinion, the USA is FAR more civilized than say.. Somalia.. or Rawanda.. or Burma. We get by just fine thanks.
You're attitude is that we're "Wrong" when there really isn't any major difference in the value or ability to use either system. Both work just fine. And neither is more or less intuitive to learn if you're trying to learn it in a place where it's not used.
If I went to the grocery tomorrow, and asked for a kilo of grapes, no one would have a freaking clue what I was talking about. No reason to learn it, and the very fact that "The civilized world" is constantly on about the US being uncivilized for not switching.. is only going to make people respond exactly the way I did. we will say no, and dig in our heals and for another 400 years won't swap over. The only way to get us to swap is to STOP BADGERING and let the free market (thanks coke and pepsi!) do it for you, subtly.