The value of men
you also lucked out that there was a place specifically hiring aspies. if one is lucky enough to get a job here any job. you'd be dumb a s**t to quit it as you'd be unlikely to find another job non less a higher paying one in a different field.
Not every woman is obsessed with money. Some of them could care less. Just because someone gets laid off from a job doesn't mean a woman will automatically leave their partner.
if they won't date a man unless he has a good income if he loses that good income they are not going to stick around. I see a lot of thises on yahoo and other sites where women are like "bf/husband lost his job and I want to leave him, should I?" most women list decen job as a requirement to being able to talk to them and maybe date them so it must mean a lot to them so odds are they'd leave the guy if he was to lose it. the minority like yourself are few and most men would want them so single ones are even fewer. perhaps there's a connection to this demand and why the women are still single and continue to be single. I would also think women should be warry of guys requiring them to be a certain weight as if they get fat they'll most likely be out. I've seen guys say so even here that if they gf gained weight they'd dump her. so the money for women and body for men seems to far outweigh any possible love and connection which is just disturbing to me.
You can control your weight more than you can ensure you don't lose your job. At least, when it comes to putting on weight; if you're going hungry because you can't get enough to eat, you may not be able to avoid losing weight
The red lake has been forgotten. A dust devil stuns you long enough to shroud forever those last shards of wisdom. The breeze rocking this forlorn wasteland whispers in your ears, “Não resta mais que uma sombra”.
Credit has to be paid back (often with interest). Are you sure that's what you meant?
well what I mean is that a mans job, career, occupation, stability, income, is unfortuneately, always gonna have a huge impact on his dating/mating market value way more so than the other way around.
That may or may not be true. Assuming it is, you've got two options available to you: continue to complain that adult, stable financially independent women rarely want anything to do with adult men who aren't independent and financially stable (not rich, not expecting a sugar daddy, just able to pull their own weight) or do something about it (become gainfully employed and financially stable).
Is there a third, fourth, fifth option? If so, I'd love to hear it.
and if you just can't do that. you know like millions and millions of people can't? not everyone is middle class. most the population is lower class or poor. millions more struggle to find work year after year despite working thier asses off. why does having a vagina and boobs make women so much better then men?
imagine if you told gays they can either complain about the hatred or they can just do something about it and become straight. some people are just poor and will always be poor. there's this whole system made to keep poor people poor.
Having a vagina and boobies, as you so charmingly put it, doesn't make my life better or easier -- just different (and statistically likely to earn much less than men while being statistically likely to be physically assaulted by one).
Plenty of working and lower class men are financially stable and live independently -- and I'm happy to date them. I don't have a "middle or upper class men only" dating rule, nor do any women I know. My standard isn't unreasonable.
Also, the financially stable thing has more to do with one's ability to plan, save and live within your means than it does the amount of money you make.
didn't say makes it easier i said it makes them feel they are better then men ie more important ie entitled to mans income just because they were born female.
I am financially stable and live independently, well I live with my family as roommates, but if i lived with strange people as roommates it'd be ok, either any kind of roomates should be ok or non should be. the problem is women want guys to be financially stable to their high standards. ie tons of vacations and dinners eating out at expensive places.
I'm able to do that just fine. its called I don't eat out often its a special occasion thing. I don't buy things i can't afford. I don't buy expensive food so I can afford other things. I save money in case of repairs on car.
if what you say is true then you're one of the many women I am talking about, but know you're in the minority. its a society thing women feel ok to demand such high standards and no one says it isn't so it continues to happen mean while the economy is in the dumps and people are often lucky just to have a job at all.
I feel hopeless and like I should just quit the job I have and stop looking for more permanent work. my hard work is pointless and stressful so why bother working hard.
not really healthy food is epensive and needs lot of prep time. unhealthy food high in fat is cheap and quick. look how cheap donuts, cakes, snack food,etc are. you can get cookies at my local market that are 200 calories each and have 20 cookies. if you eat all those that's 4,000 calories twice the recommended. how much it cost you might ask? $3.
Not everybody is starved of love like us. It makes perfect sense for those who have offers to spare to show their status by proving they can afford to display a very low regard for the love of someone falling short of their high standards. Why love someone like a valuable human being when you can treat them like cattle, taking from them only what you want, and they still love you, thus proving their love to be much cheaper than yours? It only makes sense to sell anything you have to offer as expensive as you can afford to, including your precious love.
The red lake has been forgotten. A dust devil stuns you long enough to shroud forever those last shards of wisdom. The breeze rocking this forlorn wasteland whispers in your ears, “Não resta mais que uma sombra”.
Luckily for us, health has never in history been as cheap as it is today, but, still, a lot of people in the world don't make enough even to avoid starvation by eating crappy food.
The red lake has been forgotten. A dust devil stuns you long enough to shroud forever those last shards of wisdom. The breeze rocking this forlorn wasteland whispers in your ears, “Não resta mais que uma sombra”.
2000 a month is pretty good here. I get 700 a month and make due with help from housing and roommates(family)
though you have kids. but i think 2 people making 2,000 a monthly and one kid would be fine. or 2 making 1000 after taxes . its all about how you spend the money.
I go into work every day even when I'm sick. which upset my work once. that's how I am I work hard. I go even if I hate it and some days I sit in my car crying after work. I work harder then others there. I try not to take extra time for breaks like others do.
I had a friend live with me who lost 2 jobs because he'd call in sick too much(only sick once, other times were to get drunk or hang out with brother) or just not show up because he determined there would be no work the next day. I likely wouldn't complain about work and ignore all questions about it as women don't like men with emotions. I don't like my coworkers as much anymore and some days are just terrible.
but you can't tell that from a persons job title which is often all a lot of women care about. so they'd date a guy who calls in sick all the time or slacks off at work but hey he has a title for now.
I may just be a cashier but I work my butt off there. I go out of my way to be available and do what they ask of me. I even offer to lose hours sometimes when its not busy and go home even though I would like the money. I give whatever place I work at my all and put the company ahead of myself. yet I get called lazy or a bum because I have a difficult time finding higher paying work with my disability
Luckily for us, health has never in history been as cheap as it is today, but, still, a lot of people in the world don't make enough even to avoid starvation by eating crappy food.
not sure what you mean. but also people in the past and other nations are more healthy weight wise, because they have to do hard labor to get food. we in the west don't we can sit all day and still eat lots of food. also food and fatty food is way more available then in the past where it would been a rare delicacy. so we went from not having stuff like that at all to being able to have lots of it, so we over ate on it and still do. sugar is way more available then it use to be. meat use to be harder to get too.
its a horror too as there's more then enough food to feed everyone. just like there's more then enough wealth and homes for everyone. greed is the downfall of humanity.
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you also lucked out that there was a place specifically hiring aspies. if one is lucky enough to get a job here any job. you'd be dumb a s**t to quit it as you'd be unlikely to find another job non less a higher paying one in a different field.
Not every woman is obsessed with money. Some of them could care less. Just because someone gets laid off from a job doesn't mean a woman will automatically leave their partner.
if they won't date a man unless he has a good income if he loses that good income they are not going to stick around. I see a lot of thises on yahoo and other sites where women are like "bf/husband lost his job and I want to leave him, should I?" most women list decen job as a requirement to being able to talk to them and maybe date them so it must mean a lot to them so odds are they'd leave the guy if he was to lose it. the minority like yourself are few and most men would want them so single ones are even fewer. perhaps there's a connection to this demand and why the women are still single and continue to be single. I would also think women should be warry of guys requiring them to be a certain weight as if they get fat they'll most likely be out. I've seen guys say so even here that if they gf gained weight they'd dump her. so the money for women and body for men seems to far outweigh any possible love and connection which is just disturbing to me.
The days are long, but the years are short
Joined: 30 Jul 2013
Age: 37
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its a horror too as there's more then enough food to feed everyone. just like there's more then enough wealth and homes for everyone. greed is the downfall of humanity.
I think this is what gave us an appetite to eat more than we need. I know it did for me. If I eat one and a half times what I need I'll still be hungry some of the time. As you said even poor people in western countries have thousands of calories available to them at any time and at a very low price. Even when the shops are closed lots of people have cookies and such things in the cupboard. So there's always the temptation to eat them even when I know I've already had too many calories that day.
I guess on the rare occasions when prehistoric man had unlimited food he had to eat about 5,000 calories per day to prepare for the next famine. Back then the guy who ate everything available to him wouldn't get the chance to be more than slightly overweight. Our prehistoric brains aren't programmed to deal with the modern time of plenty.
But when I walk down a crowded street, I see a third fat people, a third normal people and a third skinny people. All these people have unlimited access to food, the same as I do, so how do two thirds of them not get fat? Is it because they skip meals and stuff like I do? I had to live on one meal per day for a about eight months to get from 300 lbs to 200 lbs. Is it because they have a lower appetite? Like they could eat three normal sized meals per day and not feel like a fourth one? Or could some of them be these people who eat a lot of junk food and yet still stay skinny?
I know a guy like that. He lives on KFC, does no exercise and he's underweight. I know someone else who eats like a bird, plays team sports 5 days per week and is overweight by a wide margin. It doesn't make sense. I got thinner by starving myself but surely not all thin people do the same... do they?
The days are long, but the years are short
depends onthe person I'd have to see her. I can't form a picture in my head of that. but i did share a picture few days ago of a googled image of a lady who weighed 233 pounds at about that height and she looked ok. I would not rejected her. though it doesn't matter the bbw are just as pick as the average and the fit women.
some people have a high metabolism. my old friend does. he could eat more then me and his brother and never gain weight. he also slep a lot more then us. still never gained wieght always skinny. my uncle was the same way until around his 40s. others have slow ones like me. so if we eat too much it gets stored as fat and makes it harder to lose weight.
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Yeah, I guess you're right. People told me my metabolism would slow down when I turn 35. That had me worried that it would undo my efforts (yes it really has taken an effort since I stopped taking those weight loss pills, they were messing with my head too much). I thought it meant my metabolism would get even slower, making it impossible to not get fat but now I think they only mean people's metabolism gets slower if they don't already have a slow metabolism to begin with. People with fast metabolisms may be surprised they put on weight when they reach middle-age, something that's never happened to them before. As for me, I'm working on the idea that since my metabolism runs at the slowest possible speed (for a healthy man, yes I realize sick people have a much slower metabolism)... since my metabolism already runs at the slowest possible speed, that means it can't possibly slow down anymore when I reach middle age... I hope.
As for the value of men, it's hard having your value judged on your wealth and your job title and your weight and your muscle-tone, instead of just your weight and complexion. It's like us guys are expected to eat low-cal, lift weights and maintain a career, instead of just eating low-cal. And they say there's no pressure on guys to live up to impossible body-types. Just ask Charles Atlas.
The days are long, but the years are short
Here is how I see it as a man, just be a man, be proud and take charge of your responsibilities and focus on making yourself happy, be strong willed and independent get into a passion you love, get a nice car you like and ignore the ideologies that say you have no purpose and be a free, be a happy loving and caring man for others. Not only be tough but be compassionate for others who deserve it and do what it takes to protect those you care about whether its your GF Wife etc or for gay folks you BF and Husband. We men are there to protect and not oppress to do good things and not bad things and be responsible. To stick up for the weak and also not be afraid to admit our own weaknesses at the same time, work hard love and care for others that is all we need to do. There is more to it than just being a breeder and dying, to hell with what society and ideologies think of us men this is the truth! Be kind and caring and not just smart and make the world a better place for everyone! In short do what is right be strong but also caring!
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