nurseangela wrote:
I did at one time actually want to know more about men - I read the "Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus", "Why Men and Women Act Like They Do", and this book too that this thread was started about. Have any of the men here tried to understand women at all? Read any books on the subject of women?
Depends. When I was in the place that you describe above, I read a number of books written by women, for women (stuff like the Anne of Green Gables series). Women writing about women's issues are also a staple of the op-ed page of my local paper, which I've read since I was in junior high.
I also spent a lot of time listening to my mother's complaints about men when I was a kid, so I've known most of the key arguments of second wave feminism since I was about 14.
Oh, and the sides and back of the toilet base at my apartment were always scrubbed clean long before any friends were allowed over (if I hadn't done it already during the work-week).