The_Face_of_Boo wrote:
Reason #11--You scare all the autistic women away from the autism support forum that is your only social outlet, thereby preventing developing relationships with women who might actually understand what you're going through and could be a potential dating pool, one that statistically you would likely have a way better chance of finding success in than the larger mostly neurotypical dating pool that is the rest of the world that doesn't understand what it's like to be autistic. Dating between autistic people would be way more common if more women felt safe to share here and were welcomed to this forum rather than chased away. Don't you guys want women to come here and talk to you????? Stop pushing us (autistic women) all away and you might have better luck dating with people that you can really connect with because they get you in ways that NTs don't, are comfortable with your weirdness because they are weird themselves, and will encourage you to be yourself and will be themselves around you.
WP is not a dating site and we are too geographically dispersed anyway, so statistically speaking it's even harder - so I doubt guys come here to seek for dates, it's too impractical.
And online friendships aren't real friendships, nor online love, there are aspects of personality that are impossible to be seen online, one can't know the other
really well online.
Yeah, some meet someone online, but there is a very low chance of that happeneing, and I agree Face of Boo that online friendships and relationships feel too unreal and unnatural to me. I desire real, human relationships and not text on a screen.
There's no point coming here looking for dates. Friends
maybe, but not dates.