How to tell if a girl is interested in you
There is a famous counterexample of a boy who was raised as a girl and "conditioned" to be feminine according to society's appeared to work while he was a child but then it really backfired once he hit puberty and started getting his hormones(BTW, FYI, his name was David Reimer).
Couldn't agree more. I knew I should have never responded to this guy, this is all such claptrap. I was saying that while men commit rape, the women generally choose the victims.
He's what I call a "Dr. Science" troll, endless stats that don't say what he says, laundry-listing you with false distinctions, he doesn't want a discussion. I've learned to trust that when I furious with a post, it's because the person is trying something on me, taking advantage.
I don't care when people disagree with me, like you have. If I make a mistake, I WANT to be corrected. I don't care if you shout, scream, or insult, as long as you come by it honestly I'll talk with you.
That's fine and I expect it to happen; there have been others too, but they were honest with me so I respect them. This dude has an agenda which is 90 degrees from the topic. Yeah, so do I, but I'm up front about it.
And for the record, it's the women here that have been the most fair and reasonable in their dealings with me. They're great. I post this stuff because there are so many girls who have been treated horribly by their mothers, and who really don't know the extent of their mistreatment. This can make their lives a horrible confusing mess in ways that most men could never even imagine. I've seen way too much of this to stand idly by and repeat the PC wusbag refrain of "all women good, all men bad". Nothing is more sexist and damaging than to suggest that women are incapable of evil, that they are not whole people. To understand what is good in a woman, you must understand what is bad about a woman.
This is where I got my info on "Stranger rape" v someone known to the attacker.
Now, with the examples you gave, I'd put that in the same class as what Gwenyvyn talked about. Gangs change everything, it's like government sanction when the true authority in your area commits a crime like that. Prisons have gangs, too, and the rape is mostly an inter-gang weapon. If you want to intimidate and control within a prison, rape is the best way to do it, I'd say.
Most criminals are raised by single mothers.
Most in the inner city are raised by single mothers.
A son of fire should be forced to bow to a son of clay?
Prison rape goes well beyond inter-gang warfare. If you are in a gang, your chances of being raped are slightly less since your fellow gang members will retaliate on your behalf-what they call "saftey in numbers". Now if you're white and you're not in a prison gang, your chances of being raped(unless you're a body builder or serious martial artist)are damn near 100%. COs have discovered rape as a too. l to maintain order in an overcrowded prison where COs are vastly outnumbered. One of the reasons why men rape far more often than women is the fact that men are more physically violent. The average man is a LOT stronger than the average woman so regardless of social norms., it very difficult for a woman to overpower a man without the use of drugs and/or alchohol.
But, individuals can vary widely. That variation however, has little to do with claims that as a whole women and men are basically alike. Like I said before, a single example isn't indicative of the characteristics of a group.

Stating the author has biases in no way invalidates their work. Everyone has biases. Proving that their biases influence their work does, but you haven't even addressed the analysis itself. Are there any other straw men you would like to use. Perhaps it's obvious that Dr. Hyde and the authors of the analysis are Hitler?

I suppose I shouldn't be surprised you would use more fallacious arguments. After all, you pulled the fallacious Burden of Proof earlier.
Last edited by yesplease on 23 Nov 2007, 4:10 pm, edited 2 times in total.
The claim that men and women are basically alike is based on the Tabula Rasa theory of mind. This theory is in conflict with discoveries in neuroscience. When statistics show a skewed pattern-in the case of violent behaviour towards one group the typical postmodernist liberal rebuttal is to claim that such data is biased by social norms. The final paragraph of that article you keep quoting strongly suggests that their is a political bias to the alleged finidngs of Hyde's research.
Got any Evidence to back this up?? Since You made the claim my friend, the burden of proof is on You to demonstrate it.
The differences that are supported by the evidence cause concern, she believes, because they are sometimes used to support prejudicial beliefs and discriminatory actions against girls and women. She suggests that anyone reading about gender differences consider whether the size of the differences are large enough to be meaningful, recognize that biological and environmental variables interact and influence one other, and remember that the conclusions that we accept today could change in the future.
Tabula Rasa="unsubstantiated rhetoric"??? Do you even know what the theory actually is? You claim that behavioural differences between groups of people are the result of social and environmental factors and NOT biology is Precisely what the Tabula Rasa theory predicts! BTW, Im not the LEAST bit suprised that many women think that you're gay.

Last edited by Ziyaret on 23 Nov 2007, 4:30 pm, edited 2 times in total.
You seem to have no interest in a rational discussion since you haven't cited a single source while continually making fallacious arguments and ranting about some ill defined liberal agenda. So along those lines, didn't you read my post on page seven?
P.S. Hitler,Hitler,Hitler,Hitler,Hitler!

Read the bold print in the quote form the article, that is a pretty well defined agenda bub. I think you no this but I dont expect you to admit it since that would pose the risk of invalidating you

I find it rather curious(note the SARCASM) that articles asserting that men and women are more or less the same(psychologically)and attribute behavioral differences to evironmental and social factors all come from Psychology publications and Not Neurology/Neuroscience publications. The only 'evidence' produced in this article referrenced by Yesplease is statistical.
Here's some useful information about statistics and proof: ... proof.html
That is my reason for distrusting the social sciences is their reliance on statistics and "studies" rather than physiology. If you doubt that brains make minds, try drilling a hole in your forehead and see if you still think, feel, and percieve the same as before .
Last edited by Ziyaret on 23 Nov 2007, 4:57 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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