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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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18 Dec 2012, 12:39 pm

Hi im Jake, 19 from Michigan, the only state with no sun but plenty of water, frozen or liquid take your pick. I'm confused about the whole Aspergers thing, i don't think i have it, and yet i was diagnosed by my school district and had the whole Individual Education Program (IEP) trip which i really disliked, being pulled out of class for one on one time which was pointless. I think it was misdiagnosed since i never accepted any acedemic help they offered and even fought to get out of the "resource room" which i was honestly not fond of and the other students scared me with there respective conditions. I felt like i was stuck with Nurse Ratchet in the movie, 'The One who flew over the Cookoos Nest". Every time i asked why i was in a place with scary kids they said to me and i quote "help you with your math". If i really needed that kind of help why didn' i stay with the original instructor? Regardless i fought the school and i won.

Now that you know what my schooling was like now for the fun stuff; the ladies department lol, Ive never ever kissed a girl, EVER! I know its sad i just never found the right one. One time in high school one girl dared me to but i never did it, it wasn't very honorable in my eyes. Heres what i am and what its been like in my love life so far:

- I'm a Trekkie, i love the shows and a lifetime member to Star Trek Online MMORG by PWE and Cryptic

- I hate Facebook and Twitter, and anything to do with modern "teenhood" such as rap, i prefer classics like the Rolling Stones, Beattles, the Who, etc. I never went to Prom or Homecoming in HS, since well i hate large crowds and pumping music. The only reason why i play Call of Duty of any version is that im student of history and some versions like Call of Duty 3 are based on WW2 battles and its an interesting experience.

- I'm well quite frankly alone, i never pursued a relationship in any of my schoolings because most girls and there friends were judgemental jerks, i had a philosophy of doing your job and get out. I was bullied alot since i was small but i did however fought back and really well lets say they never messed with me after my growth spurt. Everytime i tried to start one, the School Media Machine kicks up rumors that the geek likes a girl and i feel guilty draging her along with me, so i stopped it before it started to get good. Its unfair for me to put her through hell over some kid's crush. lets face it im not a jock with a sports car or the bad boy on a Harley motocycle, im the space cadet looking for a fellow explorer or as the Rolling Stones song states "waiting on a friend" with head on her shoulders and good personality if she looks cute then thats a bonus not a requirement. All my years of being alone taught me to treasure relationships you have when you make them and make it a two way street, be more of a partnership instead of one persons leads and the other follows. Theirs more on the inside to a person than just minor apperences and someone can be really good looking but a huge jerk on the inside.

So thats my love life, stuck in orbit, and adrift.

However through all of this turmoil and being alone i wouldn't want to be anyone else but me. I don't dress like a geek and im outspoken rather than the quiet type ill tell what i think even in crowd. I love who i am but i wish i had another person to share it with.

Happy i found you guys, see you around


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19 Dec 2012, 3:43 pm

Hi my name is emma from australia
I just turned 22 i'm 5'11 so yeah im not short. I used to have about 5 friends but they all grew up an settle down ad dont really talk much anymore. So now ive just got one one friend. And a few acquaintances. Im fully strait. I love anime and lemony snicket. I also love playstation games

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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20 Dec 2012, 4:14 pm

I'm 36 and was diagnosed with AS 6 months ago. I slipped through the cracks of the foster system. I'm smart and creative, but my emotions are really strong. I love music, but I've never learned to play an instrament. I can sing a bit and my vocal impersonations are spot on. I can emulate accents and speech patterns, too. I'm not bad to look at, but my mouth tends to keeps me from establishing long-term relationships. I'm always learning new things and discovering hidden talents I was previously unaware of. I do get nervous in new social settings, but my loud observational humor tends to win people over. If somebody sees fit to tell me that I'm annoying, I'll let them know where to shove it. I'm not a victim and I have been known to trounce bullies both verbally and physically. I smoke buds and play hackey-sack with some serious skill. I'll post pics of myself and video of my hackey skills as soon as I reach the minimum number of posts needed to post such things.

Sea Gull
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20 Dec 2012, 4:48 pm

I am 27..had AS diagnosed at 24 live in the UK.i am shy and find comunication difficult..... i am just a lonely guy trying to cope with AS and the problems it brings..hoping to move on in life and find my way through the best i can.
It's nice to read about all the different kinds of people that suffer from autisim..we all have ups and downs and life can be hard to cope with sometimes....but at least this site brings together all walks of life to share and talk about how our autisim impacts our daily lifes.


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21 Dec 2012, 8:29 am

Well hey there. Name's Brett (I know we can't give out our full names here). I'm 39, but I don't look it. Not so great when I was younger, but it's paying off now! I'm a pretty intelligent guy (OK, a genius, basically) but I don't relate well to others. Often times I just don't see the need. Diagnosed a few years ago. I had a pretty crummy upbringing, and can't help but wonder if that's contributed to my condition. But I'm doing pretty well now. Run my own business, which is good, 'cause I'm kind of a control freak and don't like to stay in one place for a long time. Just wanted to meet more people with this condition and see what they're like. I've had limited experience with support groups but I get the idea that was a pretty skewed perspective. So I hope to see you all around.


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23 Dec 2012, 6:04 pm

I'm Jimmy. I'm 21, and I'm a senior in college double majoring in Atmospheric Sciences and Math. I'm also a varsity cross country runner, math tutor and physics tutor for my college, as well as being the president of the Track & Field Club, so I've got a few things going on in my life.

I've been fascinated with weather since about 3rd grade, and got into running when I randomly joined my high school's cross country team. Math, science, and all things logical come pretty naturally to me, as seems to be common with AS people (I was diagnosed when I was 3). I'm also a fairly talented singer.

Lately, I've become what I like to call a "student of my own mind". That is, I've been fascinated lately with my own emotions and why I feel them at certain times, as well as what I can do to produce a certain feeling in myself.

I'm also extremely outgoing, by aspie standards anyway, and get bored really quickly when I'm by myself. The one exception to this is when I'm running... that's when I just want people to stay out of my way! As far as love life goes, I'm still the stereotypical "super-single" Aspie, that is, I've yet to be in a real relationship, but the way things are going this looks to change really soon! :wink:

I'm here on WrongPlanet because I think it's really interesting to see so many people here who finally think at least somewhat the same way I do.

Politically I'm a hardcore libertarian, bordering on some forms of anarchism... that's right, I actually believe in freedom for EVERYONE, not just rich people, or poor people, or any other specific group of people. I also believe in ALL of bill of rights, not just the amendments that happen to affect me directly. For supposed "contrast", relative to the two major US parties anyway, I am a strong supporter of both gay marriage AND gun rights. For some reason, this is hard for people to wrap their minds around... I've never understood why. Religiously, I'm unaffiliated, but am open to the concept of a deity.

Not my chair, not my problem, that's what I say.

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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28 Dec 2012, 3:48 pm

My name is Daniel, and I am a 25 year old living in the middle of Michigan.

I like to think about anything and everything, and most of the time I get to conclusions I never planned on. I just like to see where my mind goes, and I can decide how important those thoughts are later.

I have interests in almost every scientific endeavor, but my favorites are Neurology, AI, computer science, and philosophy.

My favorite music genre is Progressive Metal, but mostly for the progressive music elements. I also really like Rock Operas, and instrumental music. My favorites right now include Adagio, Dream Theater, Iron Maiden, The Mars Volta, and Therion. Concept albums are the main reason why I like the progressive music scene.

I will watch almost any movie of any genre, as long as it is amazing in its own right. Some of my favorite movies and shows include Fight Club, Walking Dead, Wilfred, and Moonrise Kingdom to name a few. Netflix also has a lot of documentaries that I like to watch.

I would like to meet more people with AS in my area, to hang out with. I have a friend who I suspect might have it, but that could just be because we get along so well as introverts.


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29 Dec 2012, 11:06 pm

My name is Rachel, I'm 21 and a student at the University of Michigan. I'm studying archaeology, which I love, and hope to go to grad school next year, if I get in *fingers crossed* I love history and different cultures, both current and ancient.

I enjoy skiing, hiking and other outdoor activities, but unfortunately often don't have people to do them with. I particularly love the mountains and desert, specifically Colorado and Arizona, and would love to live in the southwest. I also enjoy reading and writing fantasy, photography and foreign languages. I love animals. I have a dog but would also love a cat (or 5), but I love horses, reptiles and other animals too. I also like food and trying out different restaurants, particularly Asian food.

I'm pretty shy, but told that I can be funny and witty, and that I'm a loyal friend. Unfortunately, I have a lot of trouble making friends due to said shyness and to social awkwardness. Politically I'm pretty liberal, and I am agnostic, I don't believe we can know whether or not there is a good, but I personally don't believe there is.


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04 Jan 2013, 1:26 pm

Catharascotia wrote:
I'm studying archaeology, which I love, and hope to go to grad school next year, if I get in *fingers crossed* I love history and different cultures, both current and ancient.

Awesome! I love both. Maybe we could start a thread on the subject ? Like interesting recent archeological finds ?

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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08 Jan 2013, 2:01 pm

I'm Amanda. I'm 34, and was never officially diagnosed, but my adoptive mother knew I had AS and never got me any help, preferring to abuse me emotionally for years, then throwing me out a month after I graduated from high school. I've been homeless off and on ever since.

Right now, I think I can become a pro wrestler, so i'm gong to school for it. We'll see how long that lasts. I can play the electric bass and the cello (self taught), but haven't in months. I speak English, Spanish and bad German. And I can say 'good morning! I'm a cat, am I cute?' in Japanese.

Looking for apartments or job hunting frustrates me because I hate seeing wonderful things I know I can't have/don't know how to get. Seems landlords and potential roommates don't want people on disability to live in safe, clean areas..? Or, I just come across as an as*hole no matter what I do.

I chew on the inside of my cheeks or fiddle with my hair when I'm tired/anxious/lonely. I hate crying in front of people because I rock when I cry.

Idk what you would call "having a relationship", but I have had them. Short lived, unhappy ones. Maybe one was ok, but it was a long time ago. My last relationship was on again off again for 6 months; he def had AS and was anti sex. I enjoy being touched (crave it, actually. I get shaky if I don't get touched enough) and that broke us up. That and me having feelings, period.

Speaking of my weird craving for touch, that has gotten me into many sexual situations I didn't want to be in but had no choice once it got going.

I have no family, and that has been an issue in the past. I hate family holidays, especially Christmas. I get really depressed and hostile from Dec 20-Jan 1.

My life goal is to find a kind and handsome man who loves me for me and wants to marry me and take care of me, because I can't take care of myself. I do realise this is a fantasy; the reality is I'll most likely spend the rest of my days in a one room studio, alone.

Blue Jay
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10 Jan 2013, 9:20 am

My name is Mindy. I'm not officially diagnosed yet, but I know I have Aspergers. I'm very short, 5ft even, but have a large frame. I am a mix of Irish, Welsh, German and Cherokee. I'm very fair skinned, with dark blue eyes. I'm a little overweight but working really hard on that. I'm a vegetarian/vegan, into all natural and organic stuff, though I don't deny slipping from time to time... lol... I have never dated anyone or ever really had much of a love interest.

I'm really into Jung theories, spirituality and seeking a deeper meaning to life. My current life goal is to study Philosophy in college (starting this summer), and start writing. My second choice afterward would be Psychology. I am very spiritual and tend to over-analyze everything, so hey, why not? My mind is my strong point.

I'm not really interested in the sexual aspect of a relationship, but sometimes I wish I had a little romance in my life. Just someone to flirt with or something. I don't think I'd be into something really serious, just something to feel love and be loved. A fling, put simply. Does this mean I'm officially putting myself on the market? <.< Ahem, I wouldn't mind finding someone who I could have intellectual conversations with. I'm not really into shallow chit-chat. Sure, you can do that with anyone, I feel like I am missing out on things. I consider myself to be bi, for I feel like I am a guy inside. LOL, I'm a bit bashful, but wouldn't mind a girlfriend. xD Guys are all right, too, we can game and do sporty things. I like martial arts, MMA, but I don't focus on it too much... To be honest, I don't mind what you look like, for I know that the body is just a vessel that contains a special and unique soul inside.

120 aloof, 94 rigid and 109 pragmatic
Aspie score: 174 of 200
Neurotypical score: 29 of 200
AQ: 40

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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12 Jan 2013, 8:07 am

My name is Kaitlyn and I am fifteen. I am from New Jersey but now live in Northern VA.
First, I would like to "clear the air" surrounding my age and purpose in this section of the forum.
I am, have been, and probably always will be, lonesome. Obviously I am not looking for anything, well, sexual, but I would like to put myself out there and see if someone (anyone) has an interest in me.
I have short, dark brown hair (parents made me cut it short because I didn't take care of it long ago) with bangs. I wear glasses, which frame my blue-gray eyes :) (sorry, novelist coming out in me)
My special interests happen to be occasionally historical (such as my profound obsession with Charlemagne, Agamemnon, and Egyptian culture), I am fond of computers, though if you asked me to code something for you I would be lost, writing, which has always been there, reading (what Aspie DOESN'T read?), drawing, videogames (Ghost Recon for Wii--just got it for Christmas and it happens to be the most fascinating gaming experience I could have ever accounted for) and sewing, but there are also smaller fascinations that sort of mask themselves behind the larger ones such as elongated pennies (you can find out about those at
I am a Democrat, and I support Obama in some of his plights, however, others do need some work.
My religion is...nonexistent. If you are looking for someone with a particular faith, I am not your girl. My "religion" dictates that there is no God (not that I know of), Jesus existed and may have had certain powers but THAT is unclear, and reincarnation is a big one. Sorry about my mixed opinions, I call it, "Abstract Aspie"!
I am autistic and will show it quite often, so fair warning.


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13 Jan 2013, 4:27 am

johnny77 wrote:
I'm impossibly realistic at times. Strong willed but have to be. Average to slightly muscular build 5'7" brown hair brown eyes Irish native American decent. I'm loved and hated at the same time for being honest. I'm a hard working "jack of all trades" but master of none. A hard worker, very intelligent, loves the out doors, loves children, knows when to work when to have fun, works on his own vehicles can do electrical, carpentry, plumbing work, sings beautifully.
Looking for friends and learning the game again after years out of it.

Tufted Titmouse
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18 Jan 2013, 3:12 am

Since I am also quite paranoid that people from work find me and suddenly brand me an idiot, or whatever..

But here I go with some basics... My name is Jess and I am 26, I have been diagnosed with Asperger when I was 14.
I work for an IT related company as an engineer, I have followed no education for this, kind of just rolled in.

I always had trouble with school, that because im dumb, but because I cant follow the teachers, I always thought they were ret*d and had no idea what they were talking about as I had to prove them wrong on occasion. Thats why I quit school and started working.
I always got higher up in the companies quite fast, showed my skills etc... Now I work on the same place for 3 years, while before I could never keep up a job for longer then a year because I got bored.
I now have a manager whom I told everything to, he respects me and sees value in me. He sends me on loads of trainings.

Right now I am doing project management, which I love!

Personal life is kind of sad... I have 2 dogs, they are my family. I live in a house in a European country. I do have a boyfriend, however I am not really sure how to define that relationship, he loves me a lot. And I know I love him too, but its different with me...

Hard to explain, but yes thats me.

Last week I met a colleague from another country, he is a lot older and he has kids... I was very attracted to this man straight away, which was very weird to feel.. We talked about various subjects like love etc when we went out with the team.

He said people had grades of beauty in his eyes, This made me sad, because I am in no way pretty. I am overweight, quite heavily, and I am an Aspie, which does not help with my sensitive feelings.

I decided to try and get some of the weight off now, because I want him to see me as an 7 in stead of a 2...

Makes sense yes? Oh well.

Pileated woodpecker
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19 Jan 2013, 6:26 pm

My name is Brynne and I am twenty-four years old. I was considered 'gifted' and tested for autism as a child but was told that my verbal skills were too advanced for diagnosis. It's now fairly apparent to everyone that knows me that I am some form of AS/HFA, and I'm hoping to start the path to diagnosis this coming week.

I am tall, lanky, androgynous, and of the gay persuasion; I prefer not to call myself a lesbian because that implies that my gender identity is aligned with my biological sex, which it is typically not (gender fluidity.) My eyes are brown, as is my natural hair color (which is currently 3/4 natural with some copper tones added by yours truly.)

I have a cat that I adore very much; his name is Oren and he is like a son to me. He is an indoor cat, but we go on nature walks in the backyard when he chooses to wear his harness. I have three friends - one that I live with, and two that I see quite infrequently ever since I moved.

My hobbies involve creating, mostly. I enjoy drawing and painting people and animals, though I have begun to delve into the abstract realm as of late. When not absorbed in the world of 2D creation, I enjoy working with wire, hemp, paper, and beads.

I'm a retro-gamer, Star Wars addict, stream of consciousness writer, self-proclaimed philosopher, button collector, ex-smoker, Iceland enthusiast, hypochondriac, and a bit of a control freak (though I am working on this.) I've been gluten-free for five years and am three months into abstaining from dairy, eggs, and soy. I love David Bowie, a good cup of coffee, folding laundry, reading in the car, Burt's Bees lip balm, organizing and scheduling, mindfulness, blog writing, and learning.. everything I can. I'm currently obsessed with Khan Academy.

I dislike/hate/loathe (in no particular order) tin foil, Modest Mouse, people I don't know touching me, dishonesty, cruelty, people that don't like animals, the sounds people make when they eat, fireworks, guns, loud noises in general, pharmaceutical companies, polyamory, SKA, inconsiderate people, finger/toenails, most electronic/dance music, the ignorant redneck town I live in, 3D movies, cars, other peoples' emotions, intimacy, anything to do with pregnancy or birth, and the human race in general.

I wish I knew who I was before I was Me.

Aspie score: 180 / 200 - NT score: 25 / 200
Aloof: 112 / Rigid: 109 / Pragmatic: 117
AQ: 47

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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19 Jan 2013, 8:10 pm

I have a hard time talking "about me" because I don't accept me.

I live near Boston; been sleeping on a friend's couch for the last year. I don't have a job because a) i'm on disability and b) my work history is so bad, no one would hire me anyway.

I love to: read, sleep, go to wrestling class, work out, eat Indian food, stare at the sky, go on aimless walks and shake hands with the plants, study German, make clothes out of odd things. I taught myself hire to play bass and cello, but haven't really played in a while.

Lately, i've been on Facebook like 6 hrs a day because my phone service has been cancelled, and I can't make calls or send texts. So right now, I feel isolated and abandoned.

I think the idea that unconditional love comes from within is the stupidest thing I've heard, this side of honey boo boo. It comes from the initial bond between mother and child. (i also study psychology & human development. Don't argue this point w me unless you can prove Eriksson's stages to be false)

My tested IQ is somewhere around 162, which is ironically what I weigh.

Um....I'm 5'9 and have multi coloured hair right now (black/teal/platinum/purple). My eyes are amber brown, but orange in the sunlight. I'm mixed race (Italian/Egyptian) and I cannot stand it when ignorant people call me black.

I wish that the guy I like/think I'm in love with would stop being afraid of me. He's probably also AS/HFA, but had a lot of love & support from his family and is an amazing artist. <3 I guess I admire him a lit. The one thing that makes me really sad is that he won't open up to me sexually.