magnetowasright wrote:
So what is the distinction between people who belong to self-identifying incel forums, which spew toxic misogyny, and just men who can never get a girlfriend due to being too shy or not making enough money ect?
Well, for one thing, never getting a girlfriend is an effect of one or more causes, while spewing toxic misogyny is an effect of an over-reaching sense of entitlement coupled with a denial of one's own responsibility for not getting a girlfriend.
magnetowasright wrote:
It seems to me that everyone just assumes that any chronically single man is an "incel".
Unfortunately, that happens all too often. The other extreme is that he is gay.
magnetowasright wrote:
And if that is not the case, that who are people like me?
I understand that you've had a rough life, and that you may have some
real disadvantages when it comes to socializing with women. Unfortunately, my past efforts at giving advice in this area have resulted in open hostility toward me from those seeking advice, and more than one gentle warning from moderators.