hale_bopp wrote:
Asp-Z wrote:
therange wrote:
So why post 3 pics? To show everyone "Yes, she's hot, and it's not just that one pic."
So you measure someone's attractiveness by the number of photos they have on a single forum thread? She would look exactly the same if it was one photo, and you'd be making the same accusations as well, most likely.
Its not the fact he made the thread.. its the fact he continues to make threads in Love and dating, and ALWAYS adds her photos to them.
if it was just a one off I can see how he would just be sharing his happiness. Personally I feel he did it to show off, but according to some uh...
people I'm not allowed an opinion.

to the people saying "i'd so do her" your desperation is really, really unattractive, you might want to get that in check before you attempt to get a GF, just a heads up. At least Sean isn't like that.
@Hale_bopp: actually i've only made
2 threads.
the last one i made more than
3 months ago.
it's not as if i make a ton of these things.
@no one in particular:
and each time now i've been insulted for harmless attempts to celebrate.
I come not objectify or brag. Those have never been my intentions.
I came to share my bit of happiness with people i thought might be somewhat supportive.
& some people have been. Others however seem to be incapable of such, filled with paranoia of ulterior motives, and much too confident in their own opinions, looking for trouble that isn't there.
So maybe i was a bit angry and said a some stuff to HopeGrows that i shouldn't have, but honestly she had utterly no right in the first place to accuse me of not caring about my girlfriend. I do care & i don't care what she
thinks about my posting of a simple few pictures.
insinuations, the lot of them. I post a few pictures and suddenly to her i'm:
- A terrible person who doesn't care about his GF
- One who objectifies women
- Aspiring to provide masturbation material to the masses
- Young, immature, & eventually will see the folly of his ways and nod to her undeniable wisdom. (As if fools don't abound in all age-ranges. Age & experience guarantees nothing. No one is infallible)
Judge not lest you yourself be judged.
Let he who hath no sin cast the first stone.
& lastly, indirect/implied/accidental insults hurt just as much as direct ones. Therefore have care for how you speak.
Honestly, i just wish this thread would die now.
Maybe my next one will have a happier outcome.
But if not then strike 3, it's out & i give up and from thence forward only post if i have problems.
No one's jealous of problems, no one tries to find fault or ulterior motive with posting about a problem.
& i have many problems, yet i'm not bitching about those here 24/7.