Grisha wrote:
Erisad wrote:
I dated a dude that was half my weight at the time before and I don't think that was an issue. At least with me anyways but then again we never got around to having sex anyway. >.>
Maybe there's hope then.
The worst part about it is that NO woman would ever admit that she doesn't want to date you because you're too thin.
Since I seem to have most of the other "desirability" bases covered, this would really explain a lot of things.
I guess I should really start thinking about getting a cat...
Most women will admit to not wanting a man who is too "small," a word that can imply
height, thickness or the size of his member. Ambiguity is a huge part of the human language, even if the speaker isn't aware of it. Since you're tall, I don't think she can use this as an excuse without sounding really rude. She might say that you're "not her type" or that she "doesn't see you that way." There are a lot of reasons people are rejected that never seem to need an explanation. Odd.
Granted, this is a shallow concept to begin with. I don't understand why this might be, despite being a girl. Maybe I'm too honest for my own good. D:
I never demand or expect to be given a reason for a rejection, "no" is just "no" and I leave it and accept it as that. Although it can be extremely disappointing, I don't really get angry or think less of her - it just is what it is.
But that doesn't mean there actually wasn't a reason for rejecting me, I'm just beginning to wonder if my weight might be a big part of the problem...