nessa238 wrote:
Are you looking for an aspie female with NT female looks though?
As a certain proportion of aspie females probably wouldn't make your 'grade' in terms of how you wanted them to look,
you might be looking for an NT 'look' coupled with an aspie personality
For example, I'm an aspie female and I wouldn't even have identified you as aspie from your photos - you look very NT to me,
plus you are good looking so double the reason I wouldn't bother as I'd think we had nothing in common
People tend to prefer others at their own level in terms of looks and intellect
Your matches in looks will by default have more NTs in there
You should choose a person based on their personality rather than their neurology as there's plenty of unpleasant people with ASDs just as there's caring NTs (albeit they're in the minority!)
We are able to determine wether someone is an aspie based on photos?
I see that youve been working quite hard on becoming the aspie captcha
Back on topic:
As some other members have pointed out I dont think that you can determine wether a relationship would work or not based on the other person´s diagnosis. Being able to relate to someone on a deep level is great but not every aspie has the same concept of love and neither do every neurotypical Ive come accross.