how many here, will never get married
Joined: 28 Jul 2010
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Apple I recommend you try to work harder at responding to people. You either come across incredibly rudely or you push your beliefs onto others and don't take the hint that you're not going to change theirs.
Returning to topic on hand, marriage is but an agreement between two (or more) people and a government. It does not have an intrinsic good or bad. It is completely dependent on those involved on how its going to affect them. You keep Trying to elevate it to some sort of spiritual level and that if its not great its because people suck. I think your views on humanity and other things might just be a bit too near sighted to fully see the complexities involved in it. For example, the best and most loving couple ive ever met ,and that I know many married couples have said the same about them, is between two men. Who can not get legally married because they are gay. Is their love any more or less meaningful because they are not married?
Returning to topic on hand, marriage is but an agreement between two (or more) people and a government. It does not have an intrinsic good or bad. It is completely dependent on those involved on how its going to affect them. You keep Trying to elevate it to some sort of spiritual level and that if its not great its because people suck. I think your views on humanity and other things might just be a bit too near sighted to fully see the complexities involved in it. For example, the best and most loving couple ive ever met ,and that I know many married couples have said the same about them, is between two men. Who can not get legally married because they are gay. Is their love any more or less meaningful because they are not married?
No, I don't believe in gay marriage. In fact, all men like ass sex, it is just that straight men show their ass barely to anyone, it doesn't mean they don't like it too. My suggestion to gay men, get a strong assertive lady and a strap on, maybe marry a lesbian, it has happened before. Being gay is hard on even those who are themselves, probably for lesbians too, so I'm going to give all lesbians and gays the benifit of the doubt from now on. The only reason I had the change of heart is because someone on wp told me they were intersex and I looked it up and found out about it. I feel guilty for it now, and I'm sorry for hating on you guys and gals, ok. But I am still protective of my kids if I had any, and would never persecute them if they were homosexual, I'd feel responsible and want to suffer hell for them if I had to to allow them to sit at God's table. On the other note, I can't push my views through a computer screen into your brain, the only thing I can do is make you misinterpret me trying to prove myself right, and me actually being a dick on accident, which I do do, I'll admit it. But even gay men or women marring each other I would think, would help if they raised kids. It is essential for their development, and I plan to have them, but no one has to get married or have kids, sorry If I acted like they did. But sex before marriage I still think is wrong, unless you are being prevented like your friends are.
comedic burp
Returning to topic on hand, marriage is but an agreement between two (or more) people and a government. It does not have an intrinsic good or bad. It is completely dependent on those involved on how its going to affect them. You keep Trying to elevate it to some sort of spiritual level and that if its not great its because people suck. I think your views on humanity and other things might just be a bit too near sighted to fully see the complexities involved in it. For example, the best and most loving couple ive ever met ,and that I know many married couples have said the same about them, is between two men. Who can not get legally married because they are gay. Is their love any more or less meaningful because they are not married?
I would never have wanted meems to go through what she says she did, regardless of what she said is true or not, regardless of whether or not she wants it to happen to me either. I was just bringing it up because she nearly got me fried, and I wanted to make sure I understood her right. You guys seem to think you are always right sometimes as well, I know you do, but you just argue politely and with few words, which really bugs the living s**t out of me. I dislike it when people are overly subtle when they disagree, it is a problem and I'll try to knock it off. It doesn't help when other people freakout on me either.
comedic burp
Divorce is a solution to a problem. If you stay together "for the kids" you end up resenting the kids, oftentimes. I'm glad my parents began their divorce before I was even born. They did themselves and myself a huge favor.
And they knew each other for nine years before they got married.
Dirvoce can o can not be a solution. Absolutes are usually easier, but not necessarily true.
It's needed to have a critic view about tradional values. I can't handle the way they treat gays or how they put maltreatment issues under the carpet. But having a critic view doesn't mean supporting the opposite. It seems that some people need easy stuff: one century ago they stuck to tradicionalism and nowadays they stick to do exactly the opposite.
For some couples coexistence is not an option and divorce is necessary. But some other ones give up too fast. Too many people think love is a magic state that brings everybody to a romantic comedy world. Tradional marriage, even watching it critically, is something to learn from.
1 part of Asperger | 1 part of OCD | 2 parts of ADHD / APD / GT-LD / 2e
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Divorce is a solution to a problem. If you stay together "for the kids" you end up resenting the kids, oftentimes. I'm glad my parents began their divorce before I was even born. They did themselves and myself a huge favor.
And they knew each other for nine years before they got married.
Can't speak to her situation. But I can speak to the opposite situation.
When you have one abusive parent and one good parent, and you get a divorce, typically the child splits their time 50-50 with the abusive parent and the good parent. This really sucks because the child is subject to abuse 50% of the time (or more, depending on the custody arrangement). But the child looks forward to spending time with the good parent and comes to rely on him or her.
Now, my story is the opposite situation: one parent is abusive, and the other parent is passive and incapacitated by health problems caused from having too many babies. Instead of spending 50% of my time around the abusive parent, I had to spend 24/7 365 around this abusive parent (no school, no leaving the farm, no escape, ever). If my parents had gotten divorced, I would at least have had temporary breaks from the 24/7 365 siege I was subjected to. Basically, I learned to hate everyone, and that I couldn't rely on anyone. Basically became a quasi-sociopath. Which is a terrible thing for anyone unlucky enough to get involved with me or get in my way. And a terrible thing for me, and a terrible thing for society.
Divorce would likely have solved part of the problem by allowing me develop other role models and to learn that i could rely on at least some people some of the time.
The girl said, ‘NO!’
So the guy lived happily ever after
he scored a great well paying job
he bought the cars he always wanted,
he lived in the apartments he wanted
He rode motorcycles and travelled the world making out with every wild woman he ever found. Never with any committment other than being great friends.
He went fishing and hunting <rarely shopping ...only did so when he really wanted something> He played golf when he wanted a went to the football whenever he wanted he had a lot fun going out often with a different woman all the time
and he drank beer and scotch when ever he liked and he had tons of money in the bank and left the toilet seat up and farted whenever he wanted.
comedic burp
I've never seen someone so desperate to push their beliefs onto people that they would surrender all civility, maturity, and political correctness in order to do it. This was a thread asking will you marry or not, not why or why we should/shouldn't.
clown, take it to the PPR board. Leave it out of here.
Joined: 28 Jul 2010
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What the hell does that have to do with anything here?
What the hell does that have to do with anything here?
It was a joke.
comedic burp
Divorce is a solution to a problem. If you stay together "for the kids" you end up resenting the kids, oftentimes. I'm glad my parents began their divorce before I was even born. They did themselves and myself a huge favor.
And they knew each other for nine years before they got married.
You're really dense and you're making assumptions again. My dad did protect me from her, but he didn't know she was a pedophile until years and years after the fact. She didn't get to be around me for very long periods of time until I was a teenager and I decided to live with her because it was a repressed memory by then.
But my dad left her WHILE she was pregnant and then struggled to get custody of me and as a result, I didn't grow up in a house with a pedophile.
You're totally right, divorce saved me from living with a pedophile.
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elaborate disney fantasies really are just fantasies
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Snowy Owl
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I want to get married in the future but the odds are heavily stacked against me, especially being an atheist. However, I absolutely refuse to wear formal attire so it makes my goal even more daunting than it should. No one is going to force me to wear a tie/suit.
Plus, it is going to be harder since my true personality is too eccentric for most people and I would not fit in with most social circles.
But weirder people and other people who have other issues/problems have been able to find love so I can do it.
My feelings exactly.
restless spirit on an endless flight