FWB relationships - your opinion?

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13 May 2013, 9:29 pm

Tyri0n wrote:
appletheclown wrote:
Tyri0n wrote:
Biblical Standards for sex and marriage:

1. Sell your daughter as a sex slave.

Exodus 21:7: “If a man sells his daughter as a servant, she is not to go free as male servants do."

2. A girl who is raped must marry her rapist.

Deuteronomy 22:28: If a man happens to meet a virgin who is not pledged to be married and rapes her and they are discovered, 29 he shall pay her father fifty shekels[c] of silver. He must marry the young woman, for he has violated her. He can never divorce her as long as he lives.

3. A girl who is found to not be a virgin shall be stoned to death

Deuteronomy 22

If, however, the charge is true and no proof of the young woman’s virginity can be found, 21 she shall be brought to the door of her father’s house and there the men of her town shall stone her to death.

4. Multiple wives come from God; therefore, a man who has sex with many women is obviously not stoned to death.

2 Samuel 12:

“I gave you your master’s house and your master’s wives into your arms, and I gave you the house of Israel and Judah; and if that had been too little, I would have added you many more things like these.”

Those are all old testament, the old laws do not apply.

Guess we got a new God now. The old God was pro-rape and pro-polygamy. The new God must be pro-slut.

Look at where the new God never says anything about sex outside of marriage. Nowhere in the New Testament. Therefore, FWB is ok.

I am not a God, don't twist my words into evil sentences. God is God, no one else. He said do not look at a woman lustfully, or you have already committed aldultry, That as the J man himself, seems you don't know the bible as much as you say you do.

comedic burp


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13 May 2013, 9:30 pm

Tyri0n wrote:
appletheclown wrote:
Tyri0n wrote:
Biblical Standards for sex and marriage:

1. Sell your daughter as a sex slave.

Exodus 21:7: “If a man sells his daughter as a servant, she is not to go free as male servants do."

2. A girl who is raped must marry her rapist.

Deuteronomy 22:28: If a man happens to meet a virgin who is not pledged to be married and rapes her and they are discovered, 29 he shall pay her father fifty shekels[c] of silver. He must marry the young woman, for he has violated her. He can never divorce her as long as he lives.

3. A girl who is found to not be a virgin shall be stoned to death

Deuteronomy 22

If, however, the charge is true and no proof of the young woman’s virginity can be found, 21 she shall be brought to the door of her father’s house and there the men of her town shall stone her to death.

4. Multiple wives come from God; therefore, a man who has sex with many women is obviously not stoned to death.

2 Samuel 12:

“I gave you your master’s house and your master’s wives into your arms, and I gave you the house of Israel and Judah; and if that had been too little, I would have added you many more things like these.”

Those are all old testament, the old laws do not apply.

Guess we got a new God now. The old God was pro-rape and pro-polygamy. The new God must be pro-slut.

Look at where the new God never says anything about sex outside of marriage. Nowhere in the New Testament. Therefore, FWB is ok.

I am not a God, don't twist my words into evil sentences. God is God, no one else. He said do not look at a woman lustfully, or you have already committed aldultry, That as the J man himself, seems you don't know the bible as much as you say you do.

comedic burp


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13 May 2013, 9:30 pm

appletheclown wrote:
I'm coming off badly because I disagree with your views on sex and marriage? To bad man! You offended me too, but I don't go around getting offended by your opinions, I get offended when you state things as such that I have bolded, which makes me think you are talking down on me as if I am a dumb ass. Saying 'otherwise you come off badly', even though it is advice, doesn't make it even less offensive to me. Quite honestly, just because you take offense to my conservative views, doesn't mean I should have to apologize for them, otherwise you would too. Imagine if the conservatives in our government got offended at everything the liberals said?

Nobody is offended by your conservative views. Nobody is upset that you say that you want to be married and in love before you have sex. That doesn't upset anyone. What is annoying people is that you, at 19 years of age and no experience at all with the subject at hand, have made such conclusive statements about not only there being only one right way to conduct a love life, but you have also insinuated that you know better than those who are older and more experienced and who live a completely different life than you, how they should live their lives and make their decisions.

Your opinions, no matter whether they are liberal or conservative, religious or not, popular or unpopular, are your opinions and you have every right to have them and to live your life and make decisions for yourself based on them. In fact, that's what you should do! It's when you start making pronouncements about how things are or would be for other people if they follow your advice that offends people. You do not know what other people experience, you do not know their situations, their desires, their feelings or their needs. You do not know what their private lives at home are like or the level of libido they have or what they consider sex to be. You do not know if they even want a romantic relationship with someone or if there is some problem that is preventing them from having one. You simply assume that your views and beliefs about how things are would easily fit into anyone's life, anywhere when that isn't the case.

Without ever experiencing sex, or even a first kiss yet, you seem to want to set the parameters of what others should base their sexual decisions on and to decide that some things aren't important at all or are the all important factor even though you have never gone through any of it or had to make any of those decisions for yourself. I'm not trying to rub your nose in it or say "You can't have an opinion because you haven't had sex yet" or anything of the sort! I'm trying to tell you that you come across as completely dismissive toward anyone who has a different view and you seem to want to play the "persecuted conservative Christian" card and blame others annoyance at your remarks on the fact that your views are conservative rather than on how you are coming across.

My youngest daughter is 16 and a virgin and plans on staying one until she gets married. She's popular and has friends and could get a bf or even just a hook up if she wanted to, but that is her decision to wait. She's very adamant about it. It's not because of religion, she's atheist, and even though almost every one of her friends has had sex she doesn't try to tell them what they should do with their sex lives. She respects their decisions and they respect hers. This is because she doesn't come across as superior to them or pretend to know what it's like to make the decisions they have or be in the situations they are in. She also believes what they tell her about their feelings and doesn't dismiss them because she doesn't agree. She is very pro life (as are all my kids) and she feels that abortion is horrible because she sees even a fertilized egg as a baby, although she understands the biology and knows how it develops. She has a friend that had an abortion recently and while she did tell her friend that she disagrees with abortion and thinks it's wrong, she understood that her friend felt differently and she also understood that not being in her friends situation she couldn't possibly understand or know the feelings and problems she was going through. She told her friend that one time and then let it go. She treated it like her friend had had minor surgery and was feeling bad afterwards because that's what happened. She stated her view on it, when she was asked and let it go. No one got upset or offended at her because of her views, or because of how she stated them.

There are many people who wouldn't want sex without love and don't even see a reason to have sex without love. It's very important to them, and that's a valid opinion. There are just as many who don't mind having sex without love because we see it as something that is separate from emotion and can see and feel the difference when it's with someone you love or someone you don't love. That is also a valid opinion. My opinion is completely opposite from yours and I have absolutely no right to tell you that you are wrong and that sex would be the same for you with or without love, because I'm not you and it might not be the same for you. However, you have absolutely no right to tell someone else that they are wrong and sex with love would be so much better for them and they would feel something very different than they do without love because you don't know that. Not everyone feels the same way.

You are also not taking into account the fact that some sex, in and of itself, is good and some is not. Whether or not you are in love does not change the facts when someone is terrible in the sack. Yes, you can learn to get better but if someone has been in a relationship with someone who wasn't all that good in bed they may want to experience sex with somebody who is absolutely fantastic in bed and you never know if you are going to find someone who is good, who you are compatable romantically with. A FWB relationship could easily be about someone wanting just really, really good sex. That is also valid and without ever experiencing either really good or really bad sex, I don't think you can actually say whether or not the person enjoys it just as much as sex with someone they love. I'll tell you straight out, while my husband is better than average in bed when he puts forth some effort (and after 26 years you don't always bring your A game every time) Ole Boy is a billion times better than him in bed. At first, before I had feelings for Ole Boy the sex was still a whole lot better on a purely physical level than it was with my husband who I love dearly. That simply means that while on an emotional level at the time I would have rather have had the emotional connection with my husband but would have rather had the physical connection with Ole Boy. There is a difference. If I had been asked at that time to pick one of them and that guy would be the only guy I ever had sex with for the rest of my life I would have easily picked my husband (and still would) because I love him, but that does not mean that I enjoyed the sex with Ole Boy less than with DH.

Another thing you seem to forget is that when you are friends with someone (as in a FWB relationship, not just a booty call relationship) you do care about them and often times do love them but just not in a romantic way. I wrote about my first FWB relationship and I obviously have feelings for the guy and I do love him very much, as much as a blood relative, but not in a romantic way. Whether or not it effected the sex we had I don't know, but I do know that because we cared about each other it made me more relaxed with him than I ever was with a guy who I liked romantically. It used to take a while for me to actually get relaxed enough to not only enjoy the sex but to be any good at it with a new guy. I was relaxed with him from the beginning because we were friends and I knew that he wouldn't stop talking to me or not be friends with me anymore because of anything I did wrong in bed. I knew that at the most, if I did something really badly, the worst thing that would happen was that he would tease me about it.

So, I wrote this long explanation because I want you to really see that nobody is offended by your opinions, what bothers people is that while your opinions are certainly true for you, you seem to be insisting that they are true for everyone else, and they aren't. This subject is very subjective and there is really no one right answer that fits everyone. You seem to believe that everyone's emotional and physical response would be exactly like yours, or rather exactly like you believe that yours will be when it happens. So please don't think I'm writing this to rag on you or fuss at you or be ugly. I'm not. I'm trying to explain to you why people are getting annoyed. If you want them to stop being annoyed at you, then please take my advice and rein it in a little about suggesting that if only people would listen to you they would feel these wonderful things exactly like you think they would or you would. It doesn't work that way.

So that's why people have gotten a little upset with you. Other than the abortion comment and I think I explained that already.

I'm not offended or angry, just a little frustrated with trying to explain that everyone is different emotionally.

I'm giving it another shot. We will see.
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13 May 2013, 9:31 pm

You're not really answering my questions. I'm not unhappy by the way with this thread. It is offensive, but I'm rather apathetic because I'm an Aspie and I had a lot of self control issues with arguments. I would do exactly what is being done now. I'm speaking from experience. You can say that about everyone all you want if it helps you cope but many just like me like a good debate and we're offering a rational debate with sources, viewpoints which we hold only onto ourselves and the like.

So if you feel you are not doing anything wrong, why would you worry about your closest peers seeing your Wrong Planet messages which are publicly available?


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13 May 2013, 9:32 pm

Tyri0n wrote:
Look at where the new God never says anything about sex outside of marriage. Nowhere in the New Testament. Therefore, FWB is ok.

This isn't PPR, so I shouldn't... but

Romans 1 26-29 KJB wrote:
26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:

27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is shameful, and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was fitting.

28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not proper;

29 Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,

Romans is New Testament. It covers homosexuality, it's most common use, but also casts a very negative connotation on "unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, and covetousness". I think that just about covers FwB.

Personally, I see no problem with it. So long as caution is used, to prevent pregnancy and STDs, then let the mice play. So long as both keep their heads screwed on straight and ends it when someone inevitably falls in love with the other (unless it's mutual), then all it is is grown up playtime.

Oh, and OliveOilMom... good speech.

Last edited by fueledbycoffee on 13 May 2013, 9:44 pm, edited 2 times in total.


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13 May 2013, 9:38 pm

OliveOilMom covered all the bases of the general discrepencies I'm finding with your "argument", apple.
Frankly, I'm a lot more experienced than you and so are a lot of people in this thread. I find it laughable that you feel you're in a position to educate anyone on these matters.

By all means, share your views. Say what you like and dislike. Say how you feel. That's what the topic is for. But keep Politics, Religion and such out of here and remember what you have to put on the table when wishing to educate or coerce users into a viewpoint.


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13 May 2013, 9:39 pm

Well I find it offensive that you found my finding of you being offensive as offensive. So there!


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13 May 2013, 9:42 pm

appletheclown wrote:
OliveOilMom wrote:
appletheclown wrote:
Because everyone was poorer than anyone still alive today. If you were even lucky enough to get married at all, or even find someone who fancied you at all, living in the desert, constantly searching for greener pastures, or paying taxes day after day after day, you considered it a gift from God himself, and didn't complain about your once in a life time offer the man you were arranged to marry gave you.

OK, I get it. If your life is a living hell and having sex with a guy your dad sold you to will make your life a little better then it's ok to do it with somebody you don't love.


You know, there are a lot of hookers who got into prostitution to make their lives better. Damn, they are Biblical!

If you take offense to something that happened 10,000 years ago, your the one with problems not me. Prostitutes are actually not frowned upon as much as you people take me as doing. I never said I directly hated any of you, but because I had opposing views, you got all hot and bothered. We don't force you people to shut it when you talk about how you think, do we? A prostitute can always be forgiven, quite easily in fact. I'm sure a prostitute needs the money more than you need to have sex with your fwb man anyways.

I wasn't offended by something that happened 10,000 years ago. I was also not offended by your views about sex. I also never said that you said you hated anyone. I haven't gotten all hot and bothered at all. I am simply trying to discuss your logic about this situation we are talking about. I am not saying that prostitutes are bad, or don't need money or can't be forgiven or any of that. I'm simply comparing the two situations. One having sex with a man she was given to in exchange for goods and one having sex with a man in exchange for goods. Neither having love for the man, but one being ok to do without love because of religious views.

You stated earlier that sex without love was wrong across the board. That would mean that sex without love is wrong whether or not it was someone who was forced into a loveless marriage or it was someone who chose to have sex for purely physical reasons. That was my point. Your logic, not your opinion. If sex without love is wrong then it's wrong for everyone, not just those who have a choice about having it.

Any time I make a point or ask a question about one of your points you usually twist it around to tell me how I'm offended because of your conservative Christian views, and I'm not at all. I'm simply asking you how and why if it's completely wrong all the time then it's ok in certain situations. I'm debating the topic, not whether or not your views bother me, which they don't.

And, you really don't know how much I do or don't need to have sex with anyone. There is absolutely no way you could know that because what I may or may not need is not at all the same thing as what someone else may or may not need. You cannot sit there and pronounce absolute truth on someone else's needs when you don't and can't feel what they are feeling at the time. Trust me, I know they need the money more than someone else needs to do something just for enjoyment. I have a friend who does that for a living and she's always trying to make ends meet. I'm very aware of what her life is like. This kind of assumption, stating what someone needs - a subjective and personal thing which will vary considerably from person to person - is the type of thing that is bothering people. Not your views themselves.

I'm giving it another shot. We will see.
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13 May 2013, 9:47 pm

I never thought I'd hear a hardline religious person argue it's ok for female prostitutes to sleep with lots of men regardless of their background, but the same rule would not apply to less promiscuous women again regardless of their background.
Am I watching Southpark?


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13 May 2013, 9:50 pm

I don't think it is wrong if both parties are comfortable with it.

Personally.. sex is not good for me if there is not something deeper. I am NT.. and I know that for most NTs sex is just about reaching an orgasm. But I can do that solo. I always get attached to someone I have sex with. It is... For me... Being naked exposes all insecurities.. if you do that with someone you need to feel secure with them.

Sex is just better if there is some level of connection


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13 May 2013, 9:54 pm

JanuaryMan wrote:
I never thought I'd hear a hardline religious person argue it's ok for female prostitutes to sleep with lots of men regardless of their background, but the same rule would not apply to less promiscuous women again regardless of their background.
Am I watching Southpark?

There's the view that those who do wrong are fine, because they will receive their comeuppance come Armageddon. Those who are not unclean must be swerved from the path of sin before they commit it and can not be saved. It's a view I very much disagree with, naturally.

Revelation 22 11 KJB wrote:
He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he that is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: and he that is holy, let him be holy still.

That's my third bible quote today, and my second since coming to L&D. I don't think I can manage any more religion. FbC out!


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13 May 2013, 10:00 pm

fueledbycoffee wrote:
Tyri0n wrote:
Look at where the new God never says anything about sex outside of marriage. Nowhere in the New Testament. Therefore, FWB is ok.

This isn't PPR, so I shouldn't... but

Romans 1 26-29 KJB wrote:
26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:

27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is shameful, and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was fitting.

28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not proper;

29 Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,

Romans is New Testament. It covers homosexuality, it's most common use, but also casts a very negative connotation on "unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, and covetousness". I think that just about covers FwB.

Personally, I see no problem with it. So long as caution is used, to prevent pregnancy and STDs, then let the mice play. So long as both keep their heads screwed on straight and ends it when someone inevitably falls in love with the other (unless it's mutual), then all it is is grown up playtime.

Oh, and OliveOilMom... good speech.

Yeah, appletheclown, now is homosexuality evil too?

Also, fornication is a religious act done to pagan gods. FWB is for pleasure.


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13 May 2013, 10:08 pm

appletheclown wrote:
OliveOilMom wrote:
appletheclown wrote:
Because everyone was poorer than anyone still alive today. If you were even lucky enough to get married at all, or even find someone who fancied you at all, living in the desert, constantly searching for greener pastures, or paying taxes day after day after day, you considered it a gift from God himself, and didn't complain about your once in a life time offer the man you were arranged to marry gave you.

OK, I get it. If your life is a living hell and having sex with a guy your dad sold you to will make your life a little better then it's ok to do it with somebody you don't love.


You know, there are a lot of hookers who got into prostitution to make their lives better. Damn, they are Biblical!

He did not sell you anything.

As I stated, I understand bride price and it's purpose. While it isn't a sale like we think of a sale today, it is technically being sold. The girl is given to the guy in marriage and in exchange he gives her father goods. It was certainly not thought of as being sold then, and it isn't thought of as being sold now, to people who still practice it. That doesn't mean that it isn't thought of as being sold to most people who do not practice it and who think that having the bride price be a deciding factor in choosing which man your daughter will marry does smack of selling.

Do you condemn Hindu people for dowry payments?

I'm not condemning anyone for arranged marriages, bride price, dowry, etc. I simply referred to it as being sold. While in many places today the custom of bride price is still practiced in arranged marriages, it's many times simply tradition and a token rather than the way it was centuries ago and also still is in some places.

No, so stop partonizing me for my religion doing the same.

I am not patronizing you at all. I am disagreeing with you. There is a difference. I have no problem with Christianity and was a Christian for years. I still believe in it, and I believe that most religions are basically true although I have one that I prefer to practice myself. Christianity also doesn't as a rule, practice arranged marriages or bride price. It was in the Bible because it was part of Middle Eastern culture, not because it is supposed to be something that is part of Christianity itself.

Why don't you go to india and tell that to people who survive off of arranged marriages.

Tell what to them? That I consider it selling a human if it's based on bride price? They don't care what I think, I have no reason to do so. I'm only discussing it here because of the fact that it involves sex without love, which you have condemned in all other cases. I have Indian friends and several of them have had arranged marriages. I asked about it of course and it was explained to me that your parents know you better than anyone else does, they have more experience than you and want the best for you, so it is logical for them to choose your spouse because they will choose on other factors besides emotions, which can easily change. The bride price that was involved in my friends marriages was actually given to the couple by the grooms father, after the wedding. Whether or not I consider it selling a person has nothing whatsoever to do with the fact that they are having sex without love. That's what I'd like to address with you, not whether or not it's selling. That's simply a side issue.

The idea in my religion is not to hate, wwhich I never said to any of you, you just find my opinions extremely offensive.

I haven't said a word about hate at all. I never said you said anything about hate. I don't find your opinions offensive in the least. What I find annoying is the fact that you want to pronounce complete right and wrong for others about subjective matters such as their own feelings and how they experience them.

Why do you think I want to fall in love with someone from Asia in the first place? Because they are actually more socially accepting than Americans, and they are xenophobic.

I didn't know you did want to fall in love with someone from Asia, and it doesn't really matter to me either way. That's your love life and you are of course free to handle it however you want to. I'm very accepting of cultural and religious differences. I never called for arranged marriages to be illegal or said that they should be stopped or anything like that. If that's what someone's culture does, that's fine with me. All I said about it was that I consider it selling a person, and that many women are forced into marriage this way with a man they don't love. Arranged marriage isn't even the topic, the topic is that the newlywed couple is many times, having sex without love, which you condemn and I am trying to get an explanation from you why it's ok for that purpose, and not for something that someone chooses. That's all.

I doubt I will get yelled at in Japan for believing this, and to think they used to behead Christians.

For believing what? Do you mean for being Christian? I doubt you would get flak for it at all over there. China might be different but not Japan. And yes, I'm aware of the Japanese martyrs.

The lead pilot of the attack on pearl harbour became a christian after WW2.

What does that have to do with FWB, sex without love, or even arranged marriages?

And don't worry, if I ever do pull off an arranged marriage I will promise to stay off wrongplanet, I'll even surrender my account when it happens.

It doesn't matter to me whether you have an arranged marriage or not. That's your choice and if that's what you want to do, you should go for it. I don't see what you leaving WP if you ever have an arranged marriage has to do with why it's wrong for someone to have sex without love unless they are married. That's the only thing I've been trying to get out of you, and you give a short answer then a rant about how we are offended by your opinions, which I'm certainly not.

But for now, I enjoy being here as much as you do, so please calm down, you have your opinion and I have mine.

I am calm. I am not the one ranting and going completely off the subject. Of course you have your opinions and I have mine, as it should be. I'm not trying to change your opinions I'm simply trying to discuss them. I don't get in a tizzy when someone disagrees with mine or if they question them or want to debate and discuss them. I don't know why you are. Either way, I'm not upset in the least. This is again, projection.

I'm giving it another shot. We will see.
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13 May 2013, 10:13 pm

appletheclown wrote:
Tyri0n wrote:
Biblical Standards for sex and marriage:

1. Sell your daughter as a sex slave.

Exodus 21:7: “If a man sells his daughter as a servant, she is not to go free as male servants do."

2. A girl who is raped must marry her rapist.

Deuteronomy 22:28: If a man happens to meet a virgin who is not pledged to be married and rapes her and they are discovered, 29 he shall pay her father fifty shekels[c] of silver. He must marry the young woman, for he has violated her. He can never divorce her as long as he lives.

3. A girl who is found to not be a virgin shall be stoned to death

Deuteronomy 22

If, however, the charge is true and no proof of the young woman’s virginity can be found, 21 she shall be brought to the door of her father’s house and there the men of her town shall stone her to death.

4. Multiple wives come from God; therefore, a man who has sex with many women is obviously not stoned to death.

2 Samuel 12:

“I gave you your master’s house and your master’s wives into your arms, and I gave you the house of Israel and Judah; and if that had been too little, I would have added you many more things like these.”

Those are all old testament, the old laws do not apply.

Does the one against homosexuality then?

I'm giving it another shot. We will see.
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13 May 2013, 10:16 pm

appletheclown wrote:
JanuaryMan wrote:
appletheclown wrote:
JanuaryMan wrote:
2) Would you write the same sort of messages on WrongPlanet if you were in a loving relationship, the kind you believe in, and there was a good chance your partner or your parents would be able to read them?

2) No I would ban myself, as I have promised.

Think about how you answered that. That implies you know what you are doing is wrong but you can't help yourself. You should start helping yourself. Show some constraint, and self control in the face of views that challenge you or things you find offensive. It's not defeat, simply tolerance and civility. Without these things not only will it be hard to get the loving relationship you want, but if this pattern continues and they found out what you were really like you'd have a hard time keeping them.

I am not doing anything wrong. Why would I marry someone I disagreed with? You are the one implying things, I said what I meant, nothing else. Isn't that what aspies do anyways? I am tired, lonely, and a bunch of people who disagree with me are unhappy and think because they are offended I should leave, even though I apologized more than seven times. Sorry you are offended. I found non eof what anyone said ,except MXH, offensive.

2) Why would you care? I at least a million women, (not including the ones I know already) believe the same as I, so I doubt there will be much problem.

No one has said that you should leave. No one is offended by your views nor are we unhappy about them. Again, it's not your views that are the problem, it's the way you are stating them and the assumption that it must be the same for everyone else. That's all. Well, now it's that you are throwing a little temper fit it seems, and saying we want you to leave, that we are offended by your views, and all that.

I'm giving it another shot. We will see.
My forum is still there and everyone is welcome to come join as well. There is a private women only subforum there if anyone is interested. Also, there is no CAPTCHA. ;-)

The link to the forum is http://www.rightplanet.proboards.com


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14 May 2013, 12:43 am

I think no one can argue about this since this is based on opinion. Soem don't feel anything except pleasure when having sex, but I know that I and many others feel love along with that. There's nothing wrong with that. But part of my personal morals goes against this because although I'm not religious, I feel that the body is sacred and for me making love is a true expression of love. There was a guy who said I've never loved if that's what I thought, but I think he's never loved . But these are all opinions. No one can know what I feel when I become intimate and I can't know what others feel either.

OliveoilMom, you ceased the FWB once you were married. Doesn't that somehow show in a way(even a little bit?) that having sex/making love is reserved for those in a committed, loving relationship? I read your story of you helping a guy by practicing with him. I honestly would not have been happy if someone practiced on me because I just would feel this negativity inside myself that I can't describe. Perhaps you don't get this negativity because you are another person and I am another person as well. And that all people are different.

But I would also add that i like your morals, Appletheclown. :)

Neurotypical. I'm very friendly; feel free to message me. :)