To ask someone out, or to put love on the back-burner, requires a huge kick up the rear end, usually from yourself. I had to concentrate on work, thus love was out of the equation for a bit, but then work slowed down, and I met Mr. Perfect.
Asking him out also required a lot of courage. Not the courage to ask them out though. I had to muster up the courage to get into the situation where I COULD ask him out. From there it was like, "I might as well, I've come this far and turning back would be stupid."
Try and think of it that way. It's not the asking out, it's the getting into the situation to ask out.
I'm high on Coke-Cola, it's all good (Kezza no handle her caffine too good........WHHHHHHHHHHHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !)