Put it this way:
There's a nightclub, and the same 50 men and 50 women visit it every weekend.
The 10 most attractive males, go home with a woman every friday night. In five weeks, this is all 50 women.
Meaning 10 males managed to score with 50 women.
Now, the other 40 males, who are 'average', score with one woman each every 2.5 weeks. After 5 weeks, 40 men scored with 80 women - the 50 that visited the nightclub, and an extra 30 that started showing up within these 5 weeks.
BUT, that means while 10 men scored with 5x as many women, 40 men only scored with 2x as many women.
So, even if there is an equal number of men and women, and, even if Hopper kept arguing that, for every woman who ends up in a relationship, a man does as well, the actual ratio of successful men to successful women is DIFFERENT.
If we do the overall math, that means 50 men were successful, and 80 women were successful, because there's more women than men!
Also, the women that had sex with the attractive men, are the same ones that had sex with the average men.
Which means 50 women scored with 50 men, but you can't say that the original 50 men scored with 50 women...No, only 40 of the original men scored with the original 50, plus an extra 30 on-top of that.
Apply this not just to a nightclub scenario, but the nation, or world, as a whole, and you can see what the deal is
Now, you could argue, 'but that means EVERYONE was successful. Nobody ended up alone, and EVERYBODY WINS!'
Nice try, but try changing '1 week' to '1 year' and '2.5 weeks' to '25 years', and then you can see why there may be more single men than single women, even in countries with a higher population of women.