Texasmoneyman300 wrote:
Well I am giving them control because one of the requirements of my church is to be respectful to your parents and if you dont you are worthy of eternal death in Hell.So I dont want to risk that.And also my I would lose everything and be with out food and water and kicked out on the street. i also comply because my parents kicked me out in the middle of the night recently but I dont want to live with my parents anymore but its either be homeless on the streets or be locked up for the rest of my life in a state institution because they refuse to pay for my care and I am currently unable to work.I just hate my what my life has become.I dont know why my mom and dad feel the need to control every aspect and detail of my life.I just want a normal life where i can date and get married but thats just not possible right now or possibly ever.i want to get married after i get a stable job.I have almost lost all hope for a decent future.
Yeah your parents have a lot to answer for if they are putting you through this. You're not going to have eternal anything in hell because guess what...?
Im pretty confident that what your parents are doing to you is abusive.
You would actually be better off without these people in your life. They sound like narcissists to me.
Do yourself a favour and get the hell away from them.
We have existence