D1nk0 wrote:
fabshelly: with all due respect surely you understand by now how men work. I mean if I were to blow money at a strip club it would be on the dancers with the best bodies. Im 100% certain that having a sexy body is the bare minimum for being an exotic dancer. Having the right moves and attitude is the icing on the cake.
MIGHT I ADD: Ive been told that strippers are
notorious for catfights and hazing new dancers at the club.

You were told wrong.
There's a million different types. There's the chubby chasers, who only like dancers with rolls of fat. There's the boy toys, who like flat-chested, waiflike girls with short hair and slim hips. There's guys who only like Asian women. There's guys who only like slim women with large, gravity-defying breasts. There's guys that only like redheads with natural breasts. The list goes on, but the above are the most common.
A willowy, green-eyed brunette I worked with put herself through medical school. She's a surgeon, specializes in pediatrics. Saved a couple kids' lives, got some huge award for it - I recognized her from her picture in the newspaper.
I wonder if Homo Sapiens Sapiens called Neanderthals "NT"s too?