fs wrote:
katzefrau wrote:
your signature says it all.
hostility toward women is not attractive. i'm afraid of posting to this thread, lest i get flamed. so that's all i will say.
I assume this comment is directed at me. I created the No-Girlfriend Forum as a public service for men who lack girlfriends. There are a number forums available for these men but they generally have misguided moderation, and I want these men to be able to discuss ALL options available to them. I personally am happily married. I am not hostile to women generally, only to women from feminist cultures.
I consider being called "worthless" and the people I love being called "worthless" hostility.
You do not help men with AS. You make life more difficult for them by destroying their self confidence and preventing them from approaching a woman who may very well say yes to them and you demonize and slander the character of women in the process by propagating your convoluted views. I am a woman with AS and let me tell you, the dating world is no more kind to us than it is to the men with AS.
This is a place where people with AS can find support. It should not be a place where I am told I am worthless and painted as something I am not.
I am a human being, and I am a woman, and I care about men, and I care about men with AS, which is why I have written so much to try to help them. You see, men with AS and women with AS have to deal with different sides of the same coin when it comes to dating, but when it comes to lonliness, and the horrible feeling that you will never find someone with whom you have mutual compatibility, it's the same side of the same coin. I doubt you have AS and I doubt you understand that.
I don't come here to be called worthless.
So I think I will not come here anymore.