Do you feel sympathetic for somebody who can not have sex?
JohnisBlind wrote:
hyperlexian wrote:
JohnisBlind wrote:
b9 wrote:
to john is blind:
why are you blind? what made you think of that user name? you are obviously not blind because you type your posts. is your user name a kind of joke that is associated with the saying "people who masturbate go blind"?
what is the reason you can physically not have sex?
if you can not physically have sex (due to some genetic and not environmental problem), then if your genes were passed on, then your descendants would probably not be able to procreate either without artificial means.
that would be like each generation flogging a dead horse just to further their procreative futility.
i would suggest that if you have little interest in sex like you say you do, that you should not talk about it to the exclusion of other things that you can say that may be productive.
also, your avatar picture is evocative of a person who is perpetually in a state of saying "oh my god what have i posted? sorry sorry sorry".
if you wish to remain enigmatic, then you achieve your goal because i have no idea who you are or what you are really trying to say.
thank you i guess for sparing me the details of your true agenda.
why are you blind? what made you think of that user name? you are obviously not blind because you type your posts. is your user name a kind of joke that is associated with the saying "people who masturbate go blind"?
what is the reason you can physically not have sex?
if you can not physically have sex (due to some genetic and not environmental problem), then if your genes were passed on, then your descendants would probably not be able to procreate either without artificial means.
that would be like each generation flogging a dead horse just to further their procreative futility.
i would suggest that if you have little interest in sex like you say you do, that you should not talk about it to the exclusion of other things that you can say that may be productive.
also, your avatar picture is evocative of a person who is perpetually in a state of saying "oh my god what have i posted? sorry sorry sorry".
if you wish to remain enigmatic, then you achieve your goal because i have no idea who you are or what you are really trying to say.
thank you i guess for sparing me the details of your true agenda.
I don't know why I picked that name. I just like the way it sounded. It may be a masturbation reference. Also men who frequent prostitutes are called Johns. Oedipus blinded himself also. And thats been often interpreted as an act of self-castration, which might symbolize my physical inability to have sex. Blindness also mean an inability to understand something. So I ask all these questions about sex like a blind man reaching in the dark for something he can't see.
That is a fascinating interpretation of my Avatar post. I didn't realize that. Perhaps I anticipate all the harsh things that people will say, and I am instinctively covering my ears in defense. (symbolically)
I can not physically have sex for environmental reasons that occurred to me in early adolescence that impeded the development of my genitals.
Technically I can, but it is not easy to explain. I don't feel anything during that orgasm, nothing, nada and the output is well I once had my semen examined and the lab guy was in complete disbelief when I told him that I had not ejaculated for the 8 day time span I was told to refrain from sexual activity.
I would explain more detail if you wanted but I am not sure what you are getting at.
there are further tests and treatments that can be done for that. some causes are physical in origin, some are mind-based, and some seem to be a combination of the two. SSRIs play a big role in that:
it is treatable, so there is definitely hope for you. a second opinion with a new urologist, and possibly a referral to a neurologist could maybe help.
on a break, so if you need assistance please contact another moderator from this list:
JohnisBlind wrote:
Tsiiki wrote:
I'm one of those women who answered "no" to your poll. Answered it when it first came out, but took until now to figure out how exactly to explain what I mean... its hard for me, to find the right words of what I mean....
That said, there are a lot of reasons, but its mainly self-centered. You asked "Do you feel sympathetic to those who cannot have sex?" and the answer is No, I do not.
This doesn't mean I don't think others SHOULDN'T, just means that I personally do not... partially because I cannot spare the emotional effort to feel bad for every single person who can't get laid (unfortunately, I cannot do this for ever person out there who is starving... being that sympathetic/empathetic is past my abilities... I do feel an intellectual sadness towa
That said, there are a lot of reasons, but its mainly self-centered. You asked "Do you feel sympathetic to those who cannot have sex?" and the answer is No, I do not.
This doesn't mean I don't think others SHOULDN'T, just means that I personally do not... partially because I cannot spare the emotional effort to feel bad for every single person who can't get laid (unfortunately, I cannot do this for ever person out there who is starving... being that sympathetic/empathetic is past my abilities... I do feel an intellectual sadness towa
I don't want to express pity for you because I fear you don't want that. But I wish you the best.
How come? Because I'm emotionally challenged? Because I think sex is gross? :X curious as to why you'd feel that way...
I mean, relationshipwise... it'd be unfair of me to date someone if I'm that disgusted by sex, which is why I'm avoiding it, but otherwise... there's nothing particularly upsetting about being me... don't want it, don't need it... *shrug* (goes for both emotions and sex)
hyperlexian wrote:
was confused because there were too many hints without full information. i think i might understand. thank you for explaining.
there are further tests and treatments that can be done for that. some causes are physical in origin, some are mind-based, and some seem to be a combination of the two. SSRIs play a big role in that:
it is treatable, so there is definitely hope for you. a second opinion with a new urologist, and possibly a referral to a neurologist could maybe help.
there are further tests and treatments that can be done for that. some causes are physical in origin, some are mind-based, and some seem to be a combination of the two. SSRIs play a big role in that:
it is treatable, so there is definitely hope for you. a second opinion with a new urologist, and possibly a referral to a neurologist could maybe help.
I'll check out those pills. I was like this before SSRI's
Tsiiki wrote:
JohnisBlind wrote:
Tsiiki wrote:
I'm one of those women who answered "no" to your poll. Answered it when it first came out, but took until now to figure out how exactly to explain what I mean... its hard for me, to find the right words of what I mean....
How come? Because I'm emotionally challenged? Because I think sex is gross? :X curious as to why you'd feel that way...
How come? Because I'm emotionally challenged? Because I think sex is gross? :X curious as to why you'd feel that way...
No, it sounded like you were trying to get something off your shoulders.
JohnisBlind wrote:
azurecrayon wrote:
so i dont feel sympathy because you cant get sex, but i do feel sympathy because you cant get something you want that would (hopefully) make you fulfilled and happy.
This is a very interesting thing to say. Very interesting, possibly profound. Can you elaborate?
i meant exactly what i said. the sympathy is not caused because you cant get sex. i dont find lack of sex to be that sympathetic of an issue. but i generally like people, i try to see the good in them, i wish good things for them. i believe people to be good and therefore want them to be happy. that means i want people to get the things they desire in life that would make them happy. but i dont wish for you to get sex, i wish for you to get the things that allow you to be happy. i think the vast majority of people deserve to be happy.
JohnisBlind wrote:
azurecrayon wrote:
technically, i could have answered either way. it is a flaw in your poll. therefore, i dont think you can assume that one gender feels more or less sympathy over the subject based on the answer to a flawed poll.
What are some creative ways I could have improved the poll?
i think the reason people feel sympathy is important to understanding whether or not they feel sympathy. how to incorporate that into a poll, i cant tell you.
JohnisBlind wrote:
azurecrayon wrote:
i do have to wonder, why would anyone want others to feel sympathy for them due to lack of sexual opportunity? i am surrounded by people who suffer from the lack of basic necessities: safe place to live, food, heat in winter, education, clothes... the lack of sex is really trivial in comparison to the life needs of so many people that go unmet every day, making those people that want sympathy for lack of sex overly dramatic and a bit self centered.
Okay, I have heard this one before. I am not sure it really makes sense. I think that they would want some sense of validation that their distress in life is somehow matters in some way to others, so that it's not only a personal thing which they have to bear alone and rejected.
Is it overly dramatic for a lonely person to want sympathy for his lack of friends? Am I using the right word here? Is it valid that a person who works in a very soul crushing job to want sympathy? What would be the proper word to use then if not "sympathy"?
i do not equate human contact with sex. they are not the same. we humans, most of us anyway, need human contact. we may need it in varying amounts, some more or some less, but we mostly do need it. isolation is bad for our psyche. it can drive you crazy. at young formative ages, the lack of human contact is devastating to our development as humans. we NEED human contact in our lives. we do not need sex in the same way. sexual contact can be fulfilled by ourselves or non-human objects, whereas friendship, aka human contact, cannot.
for the person with the soul crushing job, again i would ask, WHY do they want sympathy? the job they hold is in their control, so no, i wouldnt have sympathy for that. they can choose to not work that job. i may feel sympathy that they are not happy, but i am not sympathetic because they dont like their job. see my previous explanation about the source of sympathy.
billsmithglendale wrote:
Exactly. I find it interesting that the same people who play the sad fiddle for people in one circumstance instantly become polarized and lose that empathy and sympathy as soon as it becomes a predominantly male issue (though involuntary celibacy is also a female problem, just a more silent one).
The comment about there being surrounded by people with bigger problems -- azurecrayon, what do you mean? Do you mean poor people, homeless people, etc.? Because there are a lot of causes of "problems" in people, and some of them are self-inflicted. Do you feel more pity for some degenerate crackhead who is the cause of his own problem than you do for some normal, lonely, law-abiding, tax-paying citizen who had a tough upbringing and now is lost in the social world?
The comment about there being surrounded by people with bigger problems -- azurecrayon, what do you mean? Do you mean poor people, homeless people, etc.? Because there are a lot of causes of "problems" in people, and some of them are self-inflicted. Do you feel more pity for some degenerate crackhead who is the cause of his own problem than you do for some normal, lonely, law-abiding, tax-paying citizen who had a tough upbringing and now is lost in the social world?
this has nothing to do with male or female issues, nor did i ever say my personal opinions took that into account. my response to the poll question was not gender specific.
and no, in general i would feel LESS pity or sympathy for being a degenerate crackhead. they chose to put themselves in that situation, they choose to continue it. however, it also depends on what we are giving sympathy for. for being a crackhead? no. for living in a flop house, losing their kids, getting diseases for sharing needles, and dying young? yes, that would garner my sympathy as those are sad circumstances for anyone. would it be more or less than the non-crackhead citizen? i have no idea, what kind of issues does the non-crackhead have?
i didnt say "bigger problems", i said the lack of basic life necessities. those are REAL problems. ones that can kill you, or make you sick, or maim you. is not having sex a problem to the same degree that not having food to eat is a problem? NO. is it the same as a child going to school without a winter jacket in the middle of a cold winter? NO. how about the same as not being able to afford to move out of the neighborhood you are in thats filled with violence and shootings? NO. in the grand scheme of things, in the requirements that we need to live, sex is not on the list.
now, all that being said, this is a moot point anyway. we are each the sum of our experiences. we each operate only from what we know of life. what one person feels is a tragedy in their life, another may think is nothing. thats based on how we each interpret and feel about something, and the other things we have experienced in life.
and i will offer that i have been in the position of not being able to do something that i felt was vital to my life, something that i had no physical control over and i was devastated at the failure to accomplish. absolutely emotionally devastated. and i have had people who accomplished it tell me "you arent missing anything", which was a slap in the face. but i am adult and mature enough to realize that how i perceive things is not always how others perceive things, and the value i put on things may be different than how someone else values it.
in essence, whether others feel sympathy for me doesnt change or validate my own feelings. nor should anyone else use sympathy or lack thereof to validate their own emotions about something.
and thank you to anyone who made it to the end =)
Neurotypically confused.
partner to: D - 40 yrs med dx classic autism
mother to 3 sons:
K - 6 yrs med/school dx classic autism
C - 8 yrs NT
N - 15 yrs school dx AS
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