Almost non of it is true. It's having Aspergers that keeps us single! Not being unemployed or living with your parents! In the UK millions of people are unemployed and about 40% of men (and alot of women too) in the their twenties live with their parents. Are they all single? I know for a fact they aren't and it's just not factual to claim otherwise
Living with parents is the norm where I live , but the west is becoming like the mid-east in that regard due to the sh***y world economy and the skyrocketing estate prices lol :p , it was always the case here because our economy was always ...sh***y. Welcome to the third-world.
I am not sure how your 40% number is accurate, hell, if that was true the UK people would revolt worse than the Egyptians.
Look, people subconsciously valuate other people on a "+" and "-" rating for each trait. The important of each trait may be perceived differently between one individual and another but there's a general trend.
For example, almost everyone prefer good looks , so it's a + for most of the girls.
For example , a girl who's too into looks might give about +10 for the good-looks trait in a guy , while another would just give it a +1 or 0 , very rare those who would give a minus for it.
Living with parents and being unemployed are usually big minuses , but they may have big + such as confidence , hobbies, adventurous personality to compensate them.
if you're an aspie then you're likely to be socially inept and lack social skills, those are big minuses.
Your whining is a big fat minus for every female organism crawling or walking or swimming on this planet , but I wouldn't count it since I doubt you would whine like this in real life, if you do then this is a disastrous minus , like about -100 in average.
To simplify things, I like to categorize those + and - in two main categories : The Security value and the Entertainment value. A female WP blogger used those two terms for valuating guys and I found them very true.
Things like hobbies, interesting personality , good looks increase the entertainment value , while things like income , car , house increase the security value. If you lack the security value then you need to increase the entertainment value and vice versa , I estimate that most aspies lack in the latter.
to a random hypothetical woman:
jamieboy's overall value:
Entertainment value:
Personality type : whiner and defeatist -100
no outdoor hobby : -10
no car: -10
no sex experience : -10
no humor : -20
total: -150
Security value:
no job: -50
degree: +20
living with parent/no apartment: -50
no car (yes, they often fall in both categories): -10
total: -90
overall total: -240 Failure.
Well, that's my perception anyways, if you have any positive traits, say them.
Perfect system for an Aspie - it would really be cool if I had a score I could work on.
Too bad it doesn't actually work though...