LoveforLoki wrote:
Once the blame game stops and you just realize that sh*t happens, people suck, and it is very hard to find one who doesn't suck (be it male or female)
I'm with you so far...
LoveforLoki wrote:
but it is possible
Is it? How would anyone know that
before they find someone? It's a catch-22 that can only be broken with a lot of luck - or being desperate enough to try even if you think you have no chance... plus a fair bit of luck.
LoveforLoki wrote:
I am not the only female who thinks like this, sorry you have yet to meet one yet. But it's not just a female thing, it is a human race thing, all humans have the ability to be total A-holes!
Yeah, I wholeheartedly agree with you there. Straight men just tend to notice women being a***holes more often, since other men being a***holes usually doesn't affect them as much. Vice-versa for women. The realisation that one gender is as bad as the other (if true) might reduce the finger-pointing a bit, but it still doesn't give anyone any more hope, does it?
Anyway, I'm glad to hear you managed to find someone good. That kind of story is probably the only thing that
can give people some hope.
(I re-read my reply and realised it sounds like I'm critical of your post. I actually liked it and agreed with more of it, but only replied to the parts I disagree with.