Kurgan wrote:
tarantella64 wrote:
Kurgan wrote:
ripped wrote:
I was wondering if male WP users find feminists attractive or not, or whether it is a total deal breaker.
Feminism is an umbrella term. Wanting women and men to have equal rights is no dealbreaker to me. Blaming men for your shortcomings, or running around topless, acting as if other women are helpless victims that need your saving, are dealbreakers.
1. What the hell is wrong with running around topless, unless it's cold outside? You just said you're for equal rights; well, men run around topless. If you don't like it and can't grow up, go back into your house, and stop staring at the lady sunbathing in her own yard next door.
2. Other women often are helpless victims. That's why domestic violence shelters exist and why there are lawyers who specialize in Title IX, harassment, sexual discrimination, and rape/DV cases. To name a few areas in which many women do need protection.
You're missing my point. I was referring to Femen and their copycats. I didn't say that sunbathing topless should be illegal, but if any relative or friend of me did so in public, it would still embarass me.
As far as your second paragraph goes, not everyone who wears a hijab or lives with a religious husband need Femen's saving.
Rape is about individuals; promoting the idea that most men approve of rape and would indeed do so, does the cause no good.
Okay, since I said nothing about most men's approving of rape, I'm going to assume you skipped out of the conversation and went to argue with FEMEN. However. While I don't think most men approve of rape (actually there've been campus studies, and iirc the number of young men approving of rape, so long as it wasn't actually *called* rape but was instead a described rape, was around 37%), I do very much think men participate willingly in looking the other way when a woman's being abused, and when language and situations abusive to women are in place around them. While I know guys like to think of themselves as the kind of guys who'd be the alleyway hero during a rape (all these imaginary rapes in alleys), if a woman comes to work with bruises, it's a rare fellow who'll mention it directly to her and attempt to help her. If the coworkers like to talk filthy about women, it's exceptionally unusual that a guy will say, "uh, that's wrong and certainly inappropriate, is that really how you think of women?" I can't remember ever -- ever -- having seen a man turn in another man who sexually harasses women at work, or even admit to having seen it go on. There seems not to be any large concentration of men who'll spot wage discrepancies and do the necessary to make things right.
Why, just today, the editor of the NYT got the shove, at least in part because she started demanding answers about why she was being stiffed on pay *compared with the worst editor the NYT had ever had*.
Men are terrified of other men. And until the lot of you grow some balls, it's going to be very difficult for women, and furthermore you'll find it more comfortable to blame us for shouting about problems that you wish very deeply people would just *shut up* about, so that you didn't have to do anything about them, including recognize them, yourself.
But anti feminists and rape-apologies aren't all men.