Yes. I miss my sister who recently moved thousands of miles away for an apprenticeship. But I will get to see her in a few weeks so it's manageable because there's that light at the end of the tunnel.
I also miss Rusty. We used to be such close friends, after just a few months he said it was as if we had known each other for years. We had one of those rare "mental" connections, always being on the same level, sharing the same major interests. We just naturally worked well with each other and as much as it hurts to miss that feeling I'm incredibly grateful that I got to experience that at least once during my life. It was really the cliché twin-soul-thing going on. After awhile we became bf/gf (though he has questioned it later on if that's really what it was even though we used those words). Now this was all purely a long distance-relationship, contacting each other through videocalls on Skype, msn, texting and phonecalls. We haven't ever met up yet and I understand why a lot of people judge the whole thing based on that fact. And it's ok if people do, but I'm writing this for me. Either way I was spoiled with happiness and I only have his words to trust that he felt the same way at least at the time.
Quick forwarding ahead a month or two: I found out he had gotten into a relationship with another girl whom he had been friends with before and he hadn't had the heart to tell me about it. What probably was the greatest connection I've ever had with anyone or anything, had this life-threatening wound and I couldn't do anything about it but sit there, astonished by how much one can hurt without actually losing conciousness. I've had a lot of troubles with angst and anxiety so I know how that feels, but this was something I've afterwards only been able to describe as genuine, pure grief.
We're still friends and I can deal with the romantic-absence. But I think what still overwhelms me from time to time is the loss of the closest friend I've ever had. I know I probably should "cheer up" about it, 'cause we're both safe and sound, alive and healthy, those things which really matters. And even though it might seem like I'm just complaining, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have it all undone because of all the things it taught me. Because I got to see by myself how much I've grown lately seeing that I could actually manage going through that.
Sorry for this terribly big wall of text. And thank You for giving me a place where I could put it into words.
Ok, peace out!