Lonermutant wrote:
It seems to me that it's really weird that a woman, especially a nt woman, can be attracted to a man who is obviously not interested in neither her or other people, lives an extremely ridgid life, obviously has no interest in her and does not have intimate feelings for her!
She is obviously a troll.
I'm sorry you feel so cynical towards relationships; That must be really hard for you to deal with. To only see the negativity in a post I wrote that was about caring and concern for my aspie boyfriend is just so sad because there was nothing negative and no indication that this was a bad relationship. I would hope that any significant other of an aspie would care enough to find out how to further the relationship so that both people are happy. I'm lucky to have found someone who cares enough to work with me on this stuff, and I hope you can eventually see the positive in things.