The TRUE definition of Alpha Males
Alpha male is simply another word for 'leader' in a broad sense; the guy who everybody follows and listens to, regardless of why, or how. Alpha is the first letter of the greek alphabet, the alpha male is literally the one who sits on the top rung of the social ladder. And as we all know, anything involving a social aspect is arbitrary to some extent.
I've been in environments that placed me along just about every rung in the social ladder, including alpha male, and even one particular one where I was an alpha male and then due to circumstances and sabotage by what MountZion would call stereotypical 'ass-betas' I went all the way to the very bottom, the scapegoat hated by all. Any distinction defined by society is at the whim of society's arbitrary standards and circumstances, not so much anybody's genetic pre-disposition or personality. Your predisposition requires an interaction with an environment that assigns certain treatments to that predisposition to mean anything at all.
I would loosely define the alpha male as "the person most in their element" for any given situation.
The status of the alpha male is totally situational, I agree. People only value a leader when they think they actually need one.
But most of the time, they feel that they don't. Then a leader will not be recognized as having anything valuable, and the leader gets left to the wayside.
Won't you help a poor little puppy?
MountZion, I think that's very insightful. You make a leap beyond common prejudice and recognize that dominance and social status come from more than being a 'jerk.' Ultimately the most influential people will have to be the ones who are interested in brining joy to humanity and not merely in pecking their inferiors.
The president is the Alpha Male of this country. We vote for the presidents we like and trust to improve our quality of life, not for the presidents who will push us around like gorillas.
I suppose there can be good Alpha Males and bad Alpha Males. For an example of what I find to be a bad Alpha Male, consider the hot-headed Christian God, who beats up on those who hate him most, rather than helping them to realize that he is just and worthy of worship.
Sixteen essays so far.
Like a drop of blood in a tank of flesh-eating piranhas, a new idea never fails to arouse the wrath of herd prejudice.
A true Alpha male in my opinion is a guy who is decent, kind, and confident enough in his own shoes to be laid back and relaxed, treat people the right way, and get along with the majority.
True Alpha Males have a lot of friends, and girls do like them, because of their good nature and confidence. They don't bag on other people because they are happy enough with themselves they need not.
As for bagging on other people, that was something I used to do alot... in high school. Nowadays the only person I know personally that I view in a negative light is myself... I have been blessed to have as many friends as I do (often to the point that other people have to keep revealing that fact to me), but it still feels like utter emptiness because of a complete lack of close companionship, which mere friendship just can't provide... In that regard, I am a complete an utter failure.
In my view, to truly be an "alpha", one has to know and accept one's own limitations. Unlike the "fake Alphas" that have been mentioned on this thread, I don't try to cloak my unlovable status (my particular limitation) in false confidence (also known as arrogance)... I just have to accept that as part of who I am (this in particular has been difficult for me, though)... Why I had to be dealt such a bad hand in this area, I don't know, but the hand has been dealt, and nothing short of a miracle can overcome it now...
I really don't understand why there is never any real debate over anything here. It is always people posting their various definitions for a single term. Agreement on a definition would be a simple matter, I assumed. The definition is what it is.
The very concept of an Alpha is bad, I think. It is barbaric, animalistic and out dated. We are above such things, or should be. This idea that we should look to a singular authority on important matters is the reason civilization is going to hell in a hand basket. It is the reason people risk their lives taking crackpot medications and follow weird, often dangerous diets after watching the latest episode of Oprah (Alpha's are always male, now are they?). It is the reason hundreds of people committed suicide in Jonestown. It is the reason some as*holes flew planes into building. All of this BS comes from people looking to an Alpha for all of the answers.
The way of science if far superior in all matters. An idea is presented and then judged by the presenters peers. And there is never a final answer. There is always room for debate, room for new and changing ideas.
And since somebody used presidents as an example, I will too. Look at Bush... He considered himself the Alpha Male of the country and wouldn't listen to anybody on anything. He did what he always felt was right. Look where it got us... Look where it got us with the idiots that came before him, doing the same thing. Now we have Obama, whom I don't see as an Alpha. This is a man who understands that he doesn't have all the answers and is willing to listen to other people's ideas, even if they are counter to his own. That is how it should be.
The Alpha Male concept is a bad one.
By the way, I wholeheartedly agree with your assessment of the Alpha Male. Consistent with your Alpha Male description, I think of alpha males as being great defenders as opposed to attackers. Anybody can pick a fight with a weaker person, but this isn't a genuine sign of strength... it's like NT guys who try to throw their masculinity around to make women think they're all tough, but it's just a show. What's a true sign of strength is that you're willing to stand up and defend yourself and others instead of running away.
I think AS guys are born to play the part, but indeed a lot of courage and emotional support are required during childhood to allow the young AS guys to be willing to try new stuff and learn and grow without continually retreating into their shell as so many of us often do. We would get the people skills and followers that way, by learning to understand people and how they work without automatically going into some kind of victim mentality, which many AS folks again do.
Males who pick on others to fight are usually the beta males, they do that to maintain their position or to desperately appear alphas in front of others.
Alphas are more quiet, they are feared and respected by everyone, they don't need to prove anything, but they can defend themselves well.
Omega males are those boys who get bullied at school.
True Alpha Males have a lot of friends, and girls do like them, because of their good nature and confidence. They don't bag on other people because they are happy enough with themselves they need not.
So aspies can't be alphas. They can't get along with the majority, they don't have a lot of friends, ,girls usually don't like them, they usually lack confidence and unhappy with themselves.
True Alpha Males have a lot of friends, and girls do like them, because of their good nature and confidence. They don't bag on other people because they are happy enough with themselves they need not.
So aspies can't be alphas. They can't get along with the majority, they don't have a lot of friends, ,girls usually don't like them, they usually lack confidence and unhappy with themselves.
Well.........there's no guarantee that scenario will stay that way all the time. I admit, I do usually lack confidence and unhappy with myself, but I don't have problems in other areas. My friend told me he thought I was a Gamma male.
Now, the Gamma is important in any social environment. He is the glue that holds everyone together, from the betas, to the omegas, to the sigmas, even the alphas, look up to the Gamma male. He is revered by all, as the wisest and as the most generous, and NO-ONE has any problem with him whatsoever. He is by no means an Alpha (yet), as he may have his own personal issues that he has to resolve (such as lack of confidence, etc.) but he is often protected by the Alphas aswell.
Now, I don't want people to look at this from an authoratative point of view, as that does not apply to this current everyday social enviroment, but rather in the natural character of a person and how they relate to others.
The very concept of an Alpha is bad, I think. It is barbaric, animalistic and out dated. We are above such things, or should be. This idea that we should look to a singular authority on important matters is the reason civilization is going to hell in a hand basket. It is the reason people risk their lives taking crackpot medications and follow weird, often dangerous diets after watching the latest episode of Oprah (Alpha's are always male, now are they?). It is the reason hundreds of people committed suicide in Jonestown. It is the reason some as*holes flew planes into building. All of this BS comes from people looking to an Alpha for all of the answers.
The way of science if far superior in all matters. An idea is presented and then judged by the presenters peers. And there is never a final answer. There is always room for debate, room for new and changing ideas.
And since somebody used presidents as an example, I will too. Look at Bush... He considered himself the Alpha Male of the country and wouldn't listen to anybody on anything. He did what he always felt was right. Look where it got us... Look where it got us with the idiots that came before him, doing the same thing. Now we have Obama, whom I don't see as an Alpha. This is a man who understands that he doesn't have all the answers and is willing to listen to other people's ideas, even if they are counter to his own. That is how it should be.
The Alpha Male concept is a bad one.
bolding added by me
I don't think Alpha Male(and Female) is a concept so much as it is a natural human organization principle. It's what happens when people are in groups. And getting into groups is what people do, for the most part. As other posters noted, it's situational. When a group forms, a leader emerges. If everybody posting today on this forum were teleported to a room all of a sudden, a leader would emerge and would be the Alpha for that time and place. People don't organize themselves around scientific principles. People organize themselves around leaders and followers. Whether you think this is good or bad is a moot point. It's a feature of human nature.
The very concept of an Alpha is bad, I think. It is barbaric, animalistic and out dated. We are above such things, or should be. This idea that we should look to a singular authority on important matters is the reason civilization is going to hell in a hand basket. It is the reason people risk their lives taking crackpot medications and follow weird, often dangerous diets after watching the latest episode of Oprah (Alpha's are always male, now are they?). It is the reason hundreds of people committed suicide in Jonestown. It is the reason some as*holes flew planes into building. All of this BS comes from people looking to an Alpha for all of the answers.
The way of science if far superior in all matters. An idea is presented and then judged by the presenters peers. And there is never a final answer. There is always room for debate, room for new and changing ideas.
And since somebody used presidents as an example, I will too. Look at Bush... He considered himself the Alpha Male of the country and wouldn't listen to anybody on anything. He did what he always felt was right. Look where it got us... Look where it got us with the idiots that came before him, doing the same thing. Now we have Obama, whom I don't see as an Alpha. This is a man who understands that he doesn't have all the answers and is willing to listen to other people's ideas, even if they are counter to his own. That is how it should be.
The Alpha Male concept is a bad one.
bolding added by me
I don't think Alpha Male(and Female) is a concept so much as it is a natural human organization principle. It's what happens when people are in groups. And getting into groups is what people do, for the most part. As other posters noted, it's situational. When a group forms, a leader emerges. If everybody posting today on this forum were teleported to a room all of a sudden, a leader would emerge and would be the Alpha for that time and place. People don't organize themselves around scientific principles. People organize themselves around leaders and followers. Whether you think this is good or bad is a moot point. It's a feature of human nature.
Exactly. People will naturally gravitate towards one man, if he stands out and emerges with the qualities that make for a good leader.
Isn't that much better than some jumped up, insecure beta who demands everyone listen to him? loool.
That is correct, and that is what I am saying is a major problem with humanity as a whole. People organize themselves around the Rush Limbaughs and Jim Jones of the world and listen to them blindly without thinking for themselves. And I agree that is human nature, but I don't agree my opion is moot. And, frankly, it is rude of you to say my opionion is moot while expressing yours. But, just because something is human nature doesn't mean we should give into it or that it is the best way of doing things. It is human nature to breed as much as you can before you die, but does that mean we should?
The ability to reason is what separates us from animals. All of this talk of Alpha, Beta, Gamma, etc. is advocating a system utilized by moose.
The very concept of an Alpha is bad, I think. It is barbaric, animalistic and out dated. We are above such things, or should be. This idea that we should look to a singular authority on important matters is the reason civilization is going to hell in a hand basket. It is the reason people risk their lives taking crackpot medications and follow weird, often dangerous diets after watching the latest episode of Oprah (Alpha's are always male, now are they?). It is the reason hundreds of people committed suicide in Jonestown. It is the reason some as*holes flew planes into building. All of this BS comes from people looking to an Alpha for all of the answers.
The way of science if far superior in all matters. An idea is presented and then judged by the presenters peers. And there is never a final answer. There is always room for debate, room for new and changing ideas.
And since somebody used presidents as an example, I will too. Look at Bush... He considered himself the Alpha Male of the country and wouldn't listen to anybody on anything. He did what he always felt was right. Look where it got us... Look where it got us with the idiots that came before him, doing the same thing. Now we have Obama, whom I don't see as an Alpha. This is a man who understands that he doesn't have all the answers and is willing to listen to other people's ideas, even if they are counter to his own. That is how it should be.
The Alpha Male concept is a bad one.
bolding added by me
I don't think Alpha Male(and Female) is a concept so much as it is a natural human organization principle. It's what happens when people are in groups. And getting into groups is what people do, for the most part. As other posters noted, it's situational. When a group forms, a leader emerges. If everybody posting today on this forum were teleported to a room all of a sudden, a leader would emerge and would be the Alpha for that time and place. People don't organize themselves around scientific principles. People organize themselves around leaders and followers. Whether you think this is good or bad is a moot point. It's a feature of human nature.
Exactly. People will naturally gravitate towards one man, if he stands out and emerges with the qualities that make for a good leader.
Isn't that much better than some jumped up, insecure beta who demands everyone listen to him? loool.
You really think that whoever comes out on top is always the best for the position? Really? So every leader that ever emerged was perfect? Am I misinterpretting that?
I am not disputing that people gravitate towards a charismatic leader. I am disputing that this is a good way of doing things. I am disputing that just because somebody IS leader they are the best choice for the job.
And that last, ignortant, inaccurate little statement of yours says more about you than me. If you lower yourself to personal attacks again, rather than provide reasoned discourse against my points (I am open to being proven wrong), then you are not worth my time.
You can be. Being "alpha" simply means being looked up to as a leader. Nothing more. Stick to situations where your qualities are highly valued & I guarantee you'll achieve high status. For example, when put into groups for doing projects for school or work, I was smart & organized which made me the natural leader for completing the task. Everyone would listen to & differ to me.
In purely social situations though, the task is having a good time. I'm terrible at being the guy that makes the whole group have fun. My status is much lower in these situations. Unfortunately, being the alpha is these kind of situations holds the perk of lots of sex, so I get short-changed here. Most women feel a lot more sexually free at a party than in a classroom.
This topic being in the love & dating section, I'm assuming that's this is the specific (yet small) area of alpha status guys care about.
The very concept of an Alpha is bad, I think. It is barbaric, animalistic and out dated. We are above such things, or should be. This idea that we should look to a singular authority on important matters is the reason civilization is going to hell in a hand basket. It is the reason people risk their lives taking crackpot medications and follow weird, often dangerous diets after watching the latest episode of Oprah (Alpha's are always male, now are they?). It is the reason hundreds of people committed suicide in Jonestown. It is the reason some as*holes flew planes into building. All of this BS comes from people looking to an Alpha for all of the answers.
The way of science if far superior in all matters. An idea is presented and then judged by the presenters peers. And there is never a final answer. There is always room for debate, room for new and changing ideas.
And since somebody used presidents as an example, I will too. Look at Bush... He considered himself the Alpha Male of the country and wouldn't listen to anybody on anything. He did what he always felt was right. Look where it got us... Look where it got us with the idiots that came before him, doing the same thing. Now we have Obama, whom I don't see as an Alpha. This is a man who understands that he doesn't have all the answers and is willing to listen to other people's ideas, even if they are counter to his own. That is how it should be.
The Alpha Male concept is a bad one.
bolding added by me
I don't think Alpha Male(and Female) is a concept so much as it is a natural human organization principle. It's what happens when people are in groups. And getting into groups is what people do, for the most part. As other posters noted, it's situational. When a group forms, a leader emerges. If everybody posting today on this forum were teleported to a room all of a sudden, a leader would emerge and would be the Alpha for that time and place. People don't organize themselves around scientific principles. People organize themselves around leaders and followers. Whether you think this is good or bad is a moot point. It's a feature of human nature.
Exactly. People will naturally gravitate towards one man, if he stands out and emerges with the qualities that make for a good leader.
Isn't that much better than some jumped up, insecure beta who demands everyone listen to him? loool.
You really think that whoever comes out on top is always the best for the position? Really? So every leader that ever emerged was perfect? Am I misinterpretting that?
I am not disputing that people gravitate towards a charismatic leader. I am disputing that this is a good way of doing things. I am disputing that just because somebody IS leader they are the best choice for the job.
And that last, ignortant, inaccurate little statement of yours says more about you than me. If you lower yourself to personal attacks again, rather than provide reasoned discourse against my points (I am open to being proven wrong), then you are not worth my time.
That comment was not directed at you (I have no knowledge of you, therefore it would be particularly stupid to make an assumption of what kind of man you are). And I think you have a point about the whole thing about being a leader, but I do not believe this always has to apply to just leadership of people, but rather certain characteristics of a person. I think that maybe you are perhaps pigeon-holing the concept a bit too much. I agree that there are not good people out there of all kinds, but I don't think that the concept of an Alpha Male as a "character" not a leader, is a bad one.
The very concept of an Alpha is bad, I think. It is barbaric, animalistic and out dated. We are above such things, or should be. This idea that we should look to a singular authority on important matters is the reason civilization is going to hell in a hand basket. It is the reason people risk their lives taking crackpot medications and follow weird, often dangerous diets after watching the latest episode of Oprah (Alpha's are always male, now are they?). It is the reason hundreds of people committed suicide in Jonestown. It is the reason some as*holes flew planes into building. All of this BS comes from people looking to an Alpha for all of the answers.
The way of science if far superior in all matters. An idea is presented and then judged by the presenters peers. And there is never a final answer. There is always room for debate, room for new and changing ideas.
And since somebody used presidents as an example, I will too. Look at Bush... He considered himself the Alpha Male of the country and wouldn't listen to anybody on anything. He did what he always felt was right. Look where it got us... Look where it got us with the idiots that came before him, doing the same thing. Now we have Obama, whom I don't see as an Alpha. This is a man who understands that he doesn't have all the answers and is willing to listen to other people's ideas, even if they are counter to his own. That is how it should be.
The Alpha Male concept is a bad one.
bolding added by me
I don't think Alpha Male(and Female) is a concept so much as it is a natural human organization principle. It's what happens when people are in groups. And getting into groups is what people do, for the most part. As other posters noted, it's situational. When a group forms, a leader emerges. If everybody posting today on this forum were teleported to a room all of a sudden, a leader would emerge and would be the Alpha for that time and place. People don't organize themselves around scientific principles. People organize themselves around leaders and followers. Whether you think this is good or bad is a moot point. It's a feature of human nature.
Exactly. People will naturally gravitate towards one man, if he stands out and emerges with the qualities that make for a good leader.
Isn't that much better than some jumped up, insecure beta who demands everyone listen to him? loool.
You really think that whoever comes out on top is always the best for the position? Really? So every leader that ever emerged was perfect? Am I misinterpretting that?
I am not disputing that people gravitate towards a charismatic leader. I am disputing that this is a good way of doing things. I am disputing that just because somebody IS leader they are the best choice for the job.
And that last, ignortant, inaccurate little statement of yours says more about you than me. If you lower yourself to personal attacks again, rather than provide reasoned discourse against my points (I am open to being proven wrong), then you are not worth my time.
That comment was not directed at you (I have no knowledge of you, therefore it would be particularly stupid to make an assumption of what kind of man you are). And I think you have a point about the whole thing about being a leader, but I do not believe this always has to apply to just leadership of people, but rather certain characteristics of a person. I think that maybe you are perhaps pigeon-holing the concept a bit too much. I agree that there are not good people out there of all kinds, but I don't think that the concept of an Alpha Male as a "character" not a leader, is a bad one.
Do you, then, think that the Beta is a bad character? Your comment (sorry for my misinterpretation there) would seem to indictate that. The Beta, by the standard definition, is a subordinate of the Alpha and tries to repeatedly overthrow the Alpha. So the Alpha is simply the Beta that finally won. So the Alpha and the Beta are only really separated but position, not any actually character traits.
And I think this system only applies to leadership. It is, as far as I knew, a system of identifying leadership in herds/groups.
I should say that I tend to not even see what forum a post is in when replying. I personally don't think all the talk of Alpha males really belongs in the Love and Dating section anyway. The people complaining about it are really just complaining about certain types of men that the general population of women are attracted to. I think the label is misapplied in those situations. If we are talking about charismatic people, then I am in the wrong forum.
The reason the Alpha male label gets wrapped up in sex is because sex is the primary measure of success in the animal kingdom where this system is mostly used. I don't think it applies in humans that way.
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