polymathpooplayer wrote:
For Gods's sake put yourself in the woman's position! how would YOU feel? I'll bet you'd feel very threatened, Theory of Mind or No Theory of Mind.
"For God's sake" stop saying what 50 people before you have already said. Sorry, but the battle ended a long time ago.
Look at my last post in this thread (before this one). I considered the advice given to me. if only you had bothered to read that post before flying into an obnoxious, obsolete mini-rant that's pattern is strangely close to Janissy's.
Seanmw wrote:
i'm sorry, but that avatar isn't helping you sound any less creepy .
and not to be offensive but reading this thread has been delightfully hilarious.
especially since the women make a great point. and how you're not seeing it at all.
you've just made my day
Glad I could make you laugh, Sean.
I'm finished with this thread. I will not be replying to it anymore. Continue to criticize me, but know that it will be done it total foolishness.