ToadOfSteel wrote:
are two occasions of trying to raise money... one was for a charity toy drive in december (I gave $10.00), and the other was selling baked goods raisign money for a sorority (I bought a cupcake for 50 cents). Neither of them tried to stay any longer than they had to, even when I tried to at least get their names,
Uh, yeah, that's because some guy trying to chat you up or get your name when you're collecting for charity is CREEPY AS ALL GET OUT. That wasn't any kind of unusual treatment.
The only times in the 3 1/2 years of college I've been through so far that women have even so much as walked up to me, let alone said anything
Yeah, they rarely go walking up to other guys they don't know at all either. You're not complaining about equal treatment; you're complaining about lack of special treatment in your favor. There's a big difference.