Keith wrote:
Every bad relationship makes you stronger in your next.
I would never give up hope. Although on a personal note, I would probably suggest to stop looking. Dating is much like finding a lost object, you can't find it when you want it, but you can when you don't. Relationships are similar.
I firmly believe that there is someone for everyone out there. Many guys will probably want to just use you, so in any relationship - go slow. Any that wishes to have sex with you are not worth your time. Those who truly want a relationship will wait
Man that's so true. The last relationship I had was amazing, but then I took some bad advice and wrecked it. After sitting back and thinking for the longest time it dawned on me what was what. Ultimately, it taught me several good lessons including how to move on.
In the past relationships were all I could think about, and they were no where to be seen. Now that I've decided to hold off on them for a while the opportunity seems to be everywhere. Lol, the problem now is that I just don't want to initiate anything with these girls until I get myself sorted out.