therange wrote:
Yes, Toad I was referring to you, but I'm talking about people in general, Aspies on this site and NTs. And I think you could easily get a girlfriend similar to yourself if you put your mind to it.
I have limits as well like a lot of people. Every "really hot" girl I've ever went for, online especially, has thought I was some sort of loser or weirdo, not because of the Aspergers, but because I'm not a typical guy and will talk about whatever I feel like talking about. Add in the fact that I'm not a "really hot" guy, just a decent looking guy and not the partying type on top of it, and I have no business (and wouldn't get along anyway) with that type of woman.
This post wasn't made as an attack on you, Toad, it was meant for other people, men and women, on this forum as well. While there's nothing wrong with being picky and not taking anyone that looks in your direction, there are people on here, a few guys in particular (not you, Toad) that have very high, unrealistic standards and don't have anything to back it up.
blech....forget the really hot girls then.....more for me! (lol straight) the ones you found were probably the snobby type.