billsmithglendale wrote:
Salonfilosoof wrote:
MissConstrue wrote:
Wow, those guys are sluts.
What's quite weird is that most men tend to look up to other men who display such behavior, whereas most women tend to look down upon other women who display such behavior.
Anyway, I don't get these women. Who wants to be sex partner #1581 of anyone?!?
It's just plain biology -- Men will always seek variety, because the optimal strategy to spread genes for men is numbers of partners.
For women, it's the opposite -- finding someone to mate with who has resources and will stick around to help raise the kids.
Thus, we have opposing strategies. I would say many of the women in the high count either thought they could land the guy, got an ego boost from being intimate with a high status guy like Warren Beatty , or were simply giving into the instincts of mating.
While I agree to a certain extent, I tend to disagree with the second one due to cultural conditionings. I've known many women who married men poor and unemployed. My dad was one of them.
Also I think this notion about women only being attracted to wealth or stability is false but to a certain degree would make sense if a woman were to raise a family where the man is the head of the household. Sexual attraction is a bit more complicated than attraction in terms of marriage and sex. Unfortunately there is still a double standard when it comes to sex and gender. I still see a lot of random judgements being made whenever a woman sleeps around with men and yet I hardly see it the other way around. In short, I don't think genders are as conformed as we make them out to be. There are many significant roles such as upbringing, society, beliefs and so on the set most of the morales and trends. Not everyone is going to explore them through sex though.
For instance psychologists like Freud in the victorian period theorized that women were asexual like. We know now that isn't true but back then women were socialized in such a way.
I live as I choose or I will not live at all.
~Delores O’Riordan