THIS can't be normal, even for an Aspie
Are you kidding? This is crazy normal. Just look at the mass media. Crazy sociopathic women are very popular, at least.
This reminds me of that Fluke song, Atom Bomb.
Baby got a poison gas
Baby got a heart attacks
Baby got a pain on tap
Baby gimme some of that
I used to be one of those women. I've mellowed with age.
Both of these are very plausible.
Both of these are very plausible.
I don't think it's either but if it was one it would be the first. I have self esteem issues, but not regarding the second subject.
I can, I do find "crazy" attractive as it were. I would say that of qualities of attractiveness it rates a close third behind ruthlessness and then intelligence. However, the three of those are certainly not mutually exclusive thankfully, but still sadly very rare.
Oddly though it wouldn't be a savior complex that would attract me. What I find is that the unpredictability of such a relationship is in itself both frightening and wonderfully new. Most of us here tend to be very rigid and patterned in our lives. Introducing a little "crazy" is exactly the opposite of that and pulls us out of our little bubble. This could be a very good reason why such a thing is attractive. At least for me, it could very well be different for you.
I am Jon Stewart with some Colbert cynicism, Thomas Edison's curiousity, wrapped around a hardcore gamer sprinkled very liberally with Deadpool, and finished off with an almost Poison Ivy-esque love/hate relationship with humanity flourish.
I must say, this isn't something I'm familiar with myself... neither is... dating in general... really... for now... but regardless! I have a theory!
I'm quite shocked that nobody here has picked up on this theory actually! Okay, the reason bi-polar women are attractive, is because their magnetism is messed up! They constantly send out EMP waves that change the nuero-electric signals in our brain, making us attracted to them! It's all in the title, bi-polar. Everyone knows polar refers to magnets/static/electricity and so on, so forth, and bi - means two!

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I look at those pics and am like, "A new fictional woman to obsess over" Been trying to break that train of thought though, so meh.
As for what tends to be a magnet for me, the overly shy ones who once they open up tend to be a bit more unpredictable, as well as what has been mentioned. As for a reason why, I definitely know it is not a savior complex, its more like they seem more 3 dimensional than the one-sided shallow women you normally run into, although ive been attracted to a few of those as well.
Myers Brigg - ISTP
Socionics - ISTx
Enneagram - 6w5
Yes, I do have a DeviantArt, it is at....
I kind of had the opposite situation, where the girl was strongly attracted to me within minutes of meeting me for the first time (we originally met online). The whole story is described in more detail in this thread: The gist of it is that she became very affectionate with me just ten minutes after we first met. Then, during the date, she touched and kissed me a lot. After we went back to her apartment, things progressed to nudity and heavy petting, but nothing beyond that. It probably would have continued farther, but I ended up stopping things, due to my shock with having all that happen on the first date, and with someone I met online to boot. While still cuddling in bed, she broke the news to me that she had bipolar disorder, which most likely explained her actions.
So, in this situation, it seems like she was reacting to the neurological signature my brain was sending out or something like that. At least, coregazer's explanation for this sounds fairly plausible. I felt comfortable with her too, but for a more rational (read: cerebral) reason: during the time I talked to her online and on the phone, she seemed like someone I could trust. I didn't tell her about my condition, since in my opinion, it's best left for after things get more serious. But it still made me wonder if my neurological signature really did trigger her behavior, which led to physical intimacy, or if she was simply having a hypomanic episode, where any person she found attractive would have gotten the same affection.
I'm quite shocked that nobody here has picked up on this theory actually! Okay, the reason bi-polar women are attractive, is because their magnetism is messed up! They constantly send out EMP waves that change the nuero-electric signals in our brain, making us attracted to them! It's all in the title, bi-polar. Everyone knows polar refers to magnets/static/electricity and so on, so forth, and bi - means two!

Geordi, the plasma core is emitting dilithium waves !

Pileated woodpecker

Joined: 20 Aug 2009
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Bisexual female to heterosexual males: we're all crazy. There's no way out. We're controlled by our emotions more so than logic. This is what makes us, according to men, crazy. We're all nuts. Batshit insane. You have three choices: accept the fact that all women are crazy and just keep trucking on, celibacy, or try to find a way to make dudes attractive to you (go gay). These are your choices. There's no way around them. Unless you're into girls in comas. Even then, they're still probably nuts.
I am the wise little owl in the linden trees near the water.

Joined: 23 Aug 2007
Age: 36
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I'm quite shocked that nobody here has picked up on this theory actually! Okay, the reason bi-polar women are attractive, is because their magnetism is messed up! They constantly send out EMP waves that change the nuero-electric signals in our brain, making us attracted to them! It's all in the title, bi-polar. Everyone knows polar refers to magnets/static/electricity and so on, so forth, and bi - means two!

Geordi, the plasma core is emitting dilithium waves !

god.... now I need to watch star trek again
Myers Brigg - ISTP
Socionics - ISTx
Enneagram - 6w5
Yes, I do have a DeviantArt, it is at....
Women do NOT have a monopoly on being controlled by emotions. Not at all. I would wager to say though that women are better at controlling their emotions than men. After all, throughout history, wars have been caused by men, and there is NO logical reason to cause a war. Men simply try to ignore the "feminine" emotions (totally inane way of putting that) and use lots of "masculine" emotions like anger. Not saying in the slightest that women do not get angry or anything, but they do tend to be better at controlling their tempers than starting a fistfight.
Anyways, I realized after I typed that, that you were probably joking and I would love a chick that's Batshit insane. I mean, seriously, that word is simply amazing. Batshit. Batshit. Baaaatshit. Batsheeeiiit.
Ok I'll stop now.
Also crazy chicks are incredibly awesome.
I am Jon Stewart with some Colbert cynicism, Thomas Edison's curiousity, wrapped around a hardcore gamer sprinkled very liberally with Deadpool, and finished off with an almost Poison Ivy-esque love/hate relationship with humanity flourish.
I am thusly affected. Crap. Savior complex?? Probably better off having vd of some sort. I bet I have this. "I understand you....I can help you..." That's me.
The way I have always expressed this is in my attraction to the "wounded child". The "wounded child" always kicks my behind around for a few months or years, then leaves me flat. The end. No resolution of any kind. Someone once told me we really attract missing parts of ourselves. I'm coming to believe it's really something within myself I am trying to heal. Or some part of me that is underdeveloped, that I am attracting. Whatever. I almost don't care anymore.
I understand what you mean by this. I was discussing the topic with a friend last night, and my belief is that the "crazy" is caused by a combination of both the ability to multitask and emotion controlled decision making. When a female says something while meaning something else, I believe it's because females hold several layers of thought in their head at once, and thus are stream-lining several different conversations and ideas. Men cannot do this (thus the one-track mind). The emotion vs logic driven decision making can also cause confusion.
However, not all females are like this. I know because I have a man's brain. I am completely unable to multitask (not even with two things at once), and my decisions are completely logic driven. I am an alien to my own gender. When in a group of all females, fear and paranoia instantly rise to the surface, as all this subtle s**t goes on around me that I can't comprehend. Also, the decisions women tend to make generally seem illogical and non-sensical to me (in the same way they do to men), not because the decisions are bad or wrong necessarily, but just driven by different thought processes.
Not surprisingly, most of my friends are guys, but even then - I don't have the exact brain type they do because I don't have the same drives towards sex and violence (apparently guys do have these drives, I've have 3 or 4 different male friends at least say this to me on separate occasions).
Into the dark...
That's more of a trend than an absolute Sunshower. I've found myself quite able to multitask in certain things and unable too in others. I also know women fully capable of ignoring emotion and working off logic.
I agree that women are crazy though. In the same manner that men are crazy. Men are more predictable, and they do stupid s**t, yet it's predictable that they're going to do stupid s**t, so they'd have to be crazy to do it, right?
Gotta love circular logic. Anyways, stereotypes of both genders aside, the biggest differences in thinking between the two sexes is hormonal balance or imbalance between the two. After that, it's pretty much all case by case.
I am Jon Stewart with some Colbert cynicism, Thomas Edison's curiousity, wrapped around a hardcore gamer sprinkled very liberally with Deadpool, and finished off with an almost Poison Ivy-esque love/hate relationship with humanity flourish.
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