Taupey wrote:
KnightGhost wrote:
Lene wrote:
KnightGhost wrote:
Told her. She also said she feels the same for me, but split between 2 guys. Will see where it goes.
That's great news! But does that mean she plans on dating both of you, or that she just needs time to decide?
I believe, if you lived closer to one another your relationship would have a better chance.
It seems as though you both are waiting for the other one to make the first compromise. Her ending her relationship with this man. And you quiting your job and moving to her location. But you really would rather have her relocate to where you live because of your job. It appears to be a stalemate. You both should discuss this (if you haven't already) and decide if you really want to commit to your relationship and make the necessary compromises so you can be together. Maybe you can work out trial arrangements to be together in both locations to see what works. I wish you both the best. Please let us know how it goes.
Working on a trial arrangement at the moment. Problem is that I can't find a job there, even one that pays half of what I make now. Working on compromises...